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Found out earlier that my great mate of 24 years, Rick, died on Tuesday after battling with stomach cancer for a year aged forty fucking three. How shit.


My stressful week and the stressy little wankers I work with and the arrogant queuejumping cunts on the train home are all now firmly put into perspective.


Rick Edwards: All the best matey. Here's to the nights out, the drinks and the good times.


Horrible news, that.


Condolences, mate.

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After my post last night, I forgot to mention my dad's cousin was told he had 4 weeks to live after a long battle with cancer.


He was on his last legs so the family put him in a hospice to live out the rest of his days.


He died just after 6am. He was 46. My Nan went out to Australia to see him before he left us.


I'll be honest, I didn't see him much. He only came home from Australia every so often. I wish I would have made more of an effort now as he was a good man from what I heard about him and the time I met him.


Cancer is a cunt.

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Guest davelfc

My thoughts go out to anyone who has a family member, friend with cancer or who has lost anyone to that.


Malarkey, 46 is no age to die that really sad.


While cancer treatment has and still is improving a cure or at least something to contain it cannot come quickly enough.

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Fella I know who's plumbed and plastered two full houses for me has had his treatment stopped. He's late fifties and is really my uncles mate, but I class him as a mate of mine too, always have a beer with him in the pub and he even used to pop round when he was passing, just for a chat.


Went to see him at home last week, the guy used to be a real big fella, strong as an ox.

He's now reduced to a frail old man, struggling to breathe, coughing up shit and can't talk without losing his breath. Fucking galling to see.


I fucking hate cancer. It really is a cunt.

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  • 1 year later...
Jesus LF that's shit. Is it operable?


Edit: Just seen your reply to CL. Keeping everything crossed for you and her.



We're not sure yet Lurtz, she's been unwell since last christmas so our fears are...well you can imagine.


We've been given shit loads of information to read and will find out more after the scans.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Sorry to hear that news, but they'll whip the fucker out sooner than blink. You can cut the bowel pretty nicely. Fingers crossed, but chin up. Both of you.

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My girlfriend's grandparents and great aunt on her mother's side have all had bowel cancer in the last 20 years, and they're still around and in their 80s/90s. If they get to it early enough the prognosis is very good.

Depends on how aggressive it is, unfortunately my family carries the dreaded brca gene so most females in our family don't get much past 50, I'm quite the expert when it comes to the big C for obvious reasons, obviously LF'S girl doesn't fit into this nightmare scenario so fingers crossed she will be ok but a lot does depend on the grading, unwell since Christmas LF? why have they not picked up on this? Best of luck to you mate sincerely.

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Depends on how aggressive it is, unfortunately my family carries the dreaded brca gene so most females in our family don't get much past 50, I'm quite the expert when it comes to the big C for obvious reasons, obviously LF'S girl doesn't fit into this nightmare scenario so fingers crossed she will be ok but a lot does depend on the grading, unwell since Christmas LF? why have they not picked up on this? Best of luck to you mate sincerely.



She's had a variety of symptoms since christmas but they've been put down to all manner of different things, the latest being celiac.


Apparently 33 is very young for bowel cancer so as well as having to tell her brother she has cancer, she's had to tell him the specialist want's to check him out too as she believes it may be genetic.

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She's had a variety of symptoms since christmas but they've been put down to all manner of different things, the latest being celiac.


Apparently 33 is very young for bowel cancer so as well as having to tell her brother she has cancer, she's had to tell him the specialist want's to check him out too as she believes it may be genetic.

They should have got there sooner than this though mate, must be maddening. Good luck.

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