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Section_31 last won the day on July 24

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About Section_31

  • Birthday 05/02/1980

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    Necessary Evil
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    Ruling the streets

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  1. After foisting Johnson and Truss on us, now Braverman is the members' runaway favourite. What horrendous people. A survey by the Conservative Post has been sent to 14,000 verified registered party members with dramatic results. From the first 3,091 respondents Ms Braverman has picked up more than 1,000 votes as the best leader well ahead of former business secretary Kemi Badenoch in second place with just over 400. The two centrist One Nation candidates on the left of the party - James Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat - are trailing in the last two places with less than 300.
  2. Should put Simon Green up for the job but tell him it's a drama and the cameras are hiding.
  3. But not impossible, especially if you use the immigration with the nose cavity.
  4. Axle person works on trains?
  5. It'll be the Russians, seems about their level.
  6. Looks like the Princess from Hellboy 2 - so it's a yes from me.
  7. My uncle reckoned he looked like he was being tazered while he was also being booted, by the way his arms were tight to his sides.
  8. My uncle pointed out the guy is actually a shit copper too, he doesn't even cuff him while he's face down, he kicks him in the head then walks off to kick the other bloke in the thigh, meanwhile the guy he's just kicked in the head is getting up behind him and presumably cold have retaliated. Taking the hands out of commission is copper 101 all over the world.
  9. First thing I thought, first thing I thought about Kamala Harris too, I'm turning into Syd James.
  10. Nads used to live in Runcorn, that's all I'll say.
  11. You were gonna kill that guy. Of course, I'm a Terminator. You can't just go around killing people. Why? You just can't. Why?
  12. T2 best action film of all time IMO, two of the best action sequences of all time (truck chase and Cyberdyne shootout) and best movie villain of all time IMO too. Made all the more incredible by the absolute bilge which has come after it in the franchise since. Cameron is an unreal talent.
  13. Terminator 2, then Predator, then Total Recall, then terminator 1, then commando, then Red Heat.
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