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Juniper last won the day on August 17 2021

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About Juniper

  • Birthday 25/08/1983

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  1. They are making some of these countries up to see if anyone notices.
  2. Similar to the Nicola Bulley case really. You’d think some people would have learned a lesson by now. Fucking loons
  3. Biden might as well start packing up their belongings. Democrats need to address this if they hope to win. Biden is toast otherwise as he’d already fucked things up before this.
  4. Tactical voting worked in the end. Lid Dems have ousted the tories here after 27 years in charge. Labour had a pitiful result as expected, coming in fourth but did take Gloucester so that’s at least something.
  5. Great night really Not really worried about Reform. Let’s see where cunt Farage ends up in a few years.
  6. This indeed is the case in my area (Tewkesbury constituency) which is a Tory hot seat with the same guy as of the last 14 years. Labour have a parachute candidate who lives in Kent who lost in their last local elections, so even they are resigned to not be in it here. I’ve not seen her presence here in any capacity whatsoever. Not even a fucking leaflet through the door for her. Tactical voting looks to be the only option really, hence why I’ll have to vote Lib Dem’s tomorrow. One of my dogs nearly bit the guys fingers off whilst posting his leaflet last weekend. Good to keep him on his toes.
  7. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 6/10 Really enjoyed the previous one but this just didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t bad it was all a bit “meh” from the plot, the villain, the new characters, the comedy. It started, it had a middle and then an end. Suspect I’ll have forgotten about most of it soon enough. Very forgettable Blockbuster, the Mrs thought the same. Glad I didn’t waste money seeing it in the cinema.
  8. I guess if you’re into a bit of swinging as a couple and you work in a prison the lesson learnt is not mix business with pleasure. She’ll definitely see more prison time, the other side of the bars.
  9. Took this one of the girls a couple or so years ago down in Cornwall. No filters added to this version and taken on an old iPhone 6S I had at the time. Love how the background of a small hill and bigger hill in the distance matches the girls.
  10. Apparently Madonna pulled out of the slot. SZA does have a huge audience worldwide but you’d wager a lot of them aren’t your standard, middle class, Glastonbury audience who have already bought tickets before headlines are announced. Maybe a hard lesson to the organisers in that stream counts (regardless of how talented someone is) don’t equate to interest & attendance when you’re scrambling for a replacement headline act. This years lineup on the big stages overall was really disappointing. I’ve barely watched any of it.
  11. I know this is said yearly but this time it’s an absolutely shockingly shite line up on the main stages.
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