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FM 2021 Comp (Manager Poll & Team Name)

Bruce Spanner

Manager Situation?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to do?

    • Same Manager (All have Klopp Clones)
    • Draft Managers

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11 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Is he you? 


Nah, it's a mate of mine called Niall.


You rember the berk who fell of his bike in Whitehaven I mentioned a few times?


Broke his collar bone really badly so he's been laid up for months, thought it might be good to get him in on this as he loves FM.

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1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Nah, it's a mate of mine called Niall.


You rember te bek who fell of his bike in Whitehaven I mentioned a few times?


Broke his collar bone really badly so he's been laid up for months, thought it might be good to get him in on this as he loves FM.

Hi Niall 

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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:

It's Skid, Rog & 102, don't worry.


Seeing as there's two of us, I think there needs to be something that clarifies which of us is being discussed APART from the obvious I'm younger, better-looking, a dearer friend of Dorothy and absolutely clueless at both drawing and FM. Can I suggest from here on in, we refer to me as phwoarrrrRog and @sir roger as, erm, suggestions gratefully received? 

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1 minute ago, Scott_M said:

@Bruce Spanner


What are the rest of the CL Draws please?


Although I suppose it doesn’t really matter as all the best European clubs are going to have all their best players stolen anyway. 


Oh, that was just a trial to make sure it works.


I'll do the rest live when it's time.


I'm just finising off to make sure things run and work.


All in good time, my good man.

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Good news everybody!


The database is built and working, so once all picks are done all I need to do is input the players and your managerment styles and tactical preferences, this is easy enough to do.


Every team has their home ground as Anfield, the best training, medical and corporate facilities and has no money worries, so the chairman should be happy throughout the season so you shouldn't be sacked for that.


Every metric is the same for everybody and fans loyalty and patience is set to high so no matter what happens table wise you'll not be fired, I don't think, so will see the season through.


Everybody has a world class coaching, scout and sports science team.


Everything is as equal as can possibly be so it really is all on the squad picked and tactics selected.


We are entered in all comps, League, FA, Milk and CL.


Ready when you are!



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15 minutes ago, aRdja said:

I’m getting absolutely stitched up with my draft positions in every category


Sorry, mate, was genuinelly all done at random, you do have the benefit of it running backwards one the next round of picks time though, so with your attackers you get to choose two which will even it up to a degree.

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