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Red74 last won the day on April 30

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  1. Deadpool 3 Didnt have high hopes for this one and it told. Felt like i was watching an overlong Saturday night live sketch at times. Surprisingly boring too. Overlong fight scenes with no consequence and a bit of a meh villain. Jackmans brilliant as ever and the cameos are good too. Some laugh out loud moments from Reynolds as per but this feels like a filler episode. She thought it was good. I have standards though. A generous 6. Zero rewatchability Edit: oh, and Morena Baccarin is still an absolute goddess
  2. What!!!!! after all the grief the man took from the morons in this shithole. This isn’t Rafa son. This fellas got integrity running through him.
  3. I’ll give him till December before he announces his new job back in management. If not sooner.
  4. thanks for sorting this. can we do a premier league one next?
  5. Late night with the devil. Really wanted to see this when the trailers came out for it but the reviews were quite mixed so thought I’d hang on. Was really enjoying it until it just goes absolutely mental. Read up on it this morning and it’s filled in the blanks but could have been done so much better. 6/10 - 2 points deducted for that ending
  6. Exactly, when I accidentally nick behind my ear when having a shave I have to get my wife to wrap my head up like the invisible man to stop the blood flow yet this joker carries on like nothings happened. false flag all day
  7. https://x.com/iandrewdiceclay/status/1812255870203347135?s=46
  8. I’ve had some cringeworthy embarrassing replies on here that have nearly made my toes break yet this tops the lot. And I had someone tell me they wouldn’t accept my review of the Last Jedi being shite until they read the words of some triple barrelled posh weirdo’s review first.
  9. Should get our money back on him now. Maybe a bit of profit too.
  10. Yeah read that before and a 3rd series on the cards too
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