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Vector Sigma

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About Vector Sigma

  • Birthday 27/02/1979

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    Footy, PS4, cycling, films, 20th century history, trance music

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  1. From the BBC app. They spelt pegging wrong.
  2. Vegetable or beef? Details man!
  3. Chimera - that's on my watchlist
  4. That's my hope too. I'm only up to the second episode but fell asleep mid way through last night. Quantity over quality ever since Disney got their hands on it. Most of the TV series have been below average and although there will always be the meganerds who cherish anything Star Wars, they really need to branch off into more varied aspects of storytelling. Having said that, I am looking forward to the rumoured Holiday Special reboot.
  5. As I'm unsure of your politics I'm assuming that you class Northern Ireland as Ireland A? Sorry to be that guy if it's a mistake.
  6. At this rate most of the country will be singing Fuck the Tories. Lovely stuff.
  7. This is the key word here. Pre Thatcher that is broadly what we had. 45 years later and we've gone full circle.
  8. That's a great read, thanks for posting. Who wrote it?
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