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Jurgen Knows

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  1. The only thing I would add here Bruce is that Iran’s “stated aim” of eliminating the Israeli state is just bullshit they use to cover their real aim of growing their own influence and interests in the region (Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, …). They attack Israel at the expense of Arab blood and Arab land, never Iranian blood and Iranian land. And they have no problem throwing their Arab proxies under the bus when push comes to shove, or when they are offered a good deal. Israel on the other side needs an aggressor like Iran in order to justify its own crimes and territorial expansion in the name of self defense. South Lebanon is the immediate territorial expansion target at this stage. Their end game will not be seen during our lifetime, and they certainly need Iran for the long haul. The presence of Israel in the region is key for Iran, and the presence of Iran is key for Israel. One will not seek to eliminate the other.
  2. Settlers. https://x.com/resist_05/status/1814577043352228195?s=46&t=rTM5huSAdkyumn9JrNS_MQ
  3. Al Jazeera investigating and exposing zionist war crimes
  4. Listen to the guy from Iran. They always tell you the truth these formal speakers don’t they?
  5. Yeah right. So it was intelligence. Not a formal letter. How cute!
  6. News channels announced there was going to be strikes few hours before they happened. That might be a clue.
  7. They’d have no excuse for the ethnic cleansing and genocide if they do.
  8. The Iranians informed the Americans of their fireworks show in advance.
  9. A theatrical fireworks show. Iran and Israel feeding each other’s interests at the expense of Arab blood (and land) and American tax payers’ money. Back to what really matters:
  10. Is right girl. Is right. https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1840794935466844652?s=46&t=rTM5huSAdkyumn9JrNS_MQ
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