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Geoff Woade

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  1. To be fair I wondered why they were roughing him up but then saw the white sock / black trainer combo so it’s definitely justified.
  2. Ormskirk being a Liverpool postcode doesn’t help either!
  3. Without being gruesome, they said they found ‘remains’ rather than a body. I’m guessing after a month there’s not much left once the animals got at him.
  4. Be interesting to see how it plays out. First thoughts will be people claiming that area had already been searched so body must have been dumped. They seem to think he fell though and without any expertise I’d have suggested looking at the bottom of any significant drop to being with.
  5. Found dead in the area he went missing apparently.
  6. Liverpool FC appear to have a Twitter/X account. Complicit! Shut down the club!
  7. Yep, I’d be going with this point ‘trained sniper who has practiced for this moment all his life and spent thousands of hours hitting targets ranging from near to far is more accurate than a young lad that has bought a gun from Wal Mart and done his best’
  8. I’m assuming you think this is a set up then and he wasn’t shot at? Do you think all of the secret service agents, all the police and the lad himself who took the shot are in on it too and all trusted to say nothing forever? in this day and age of the internet where everything is questioned, broken down and people quick to flip?
  9. In split seconds blood takes time to get to the surface. From reading crime books it appears that if you are stabbing someone you get in, stab repeatedly and then get out. (Chopper Reid) id imagine with an extremity like an ear it would be similar.
  10. Ok fair enough for the stereotypes point, it was mostly an attempt at humour but I don’t imagine I’d have got as much pushback if I’d have stereotyped Republicans as gun toting morons with mullets and jobs like giving Everglades tours.
  11. For saying how republican type people who we like to laugh about were (generally) nice to me or how I found the Dems over there (generally) different and more judgemental of others based on what I experienced and what I see now? Go over there and see for yourself if you form a different opinion.
  12. I was. I go over now and then and mostly keep interested in current affairs because I enjoyed it so much and the people were so nice to me and still are so I like the idea of that lifestyle. It could well be me that’s wrong but it was good then, you could say that most people enjoyed themselves, got on and it was a nice place to live. As you say though that was 20 years ago. Maybe all the shithole areas populated with fentanyl addicts camping on the street and not prosecuting shop lifters have got it right and that’s better.
  13. These days, when you look at the 20 year old pink and green hairs with multiple piercings telling everyone else they’re wrong what side do you think they’re on?
  14. It’s an exaggeration I’ll admit, but it was always a certain type that made you roll your eyes.
  15. Why? a group of people nice, invited me into their homes and shared what they had with me when they had nothing to gain 20 years ago. Still kind to me now and give us a place when I go over there with my family. What a bunch of horrendous Tories, including me. There aren’t any Klan rallies or anything sorry, it’s mostly playing some golf while the kids go in the pool and then dinner out in the evening. Nobody discusses politics really. Any tips you want me to give them to make you feel better and why they’re awful?
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