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  1. Roberta Taylor ,Inspector Gold in The Bill and Irene Raymond in EastEnders,goes at 76.
  2. Decided to make a start on redecorating Dad's former bedroom,but it's papered with that late 70's woodchip wallpaper.Taken to peeling it off then vacuuming the wall,god awful stuff!
  3. Tiding a draw in my dads room and found a bag of Euro's from his last trip a few year back,counted them up and there's about £40 worth at todays exchange rate!
  4. Second valuation £290.000 for probate purposes,but £340.000 to almost £400.000 on the open market in the right conditions!
  5. Dr Ruth Westheimer (sex therapist) goes at 96.
  6. Actress Shelley Duvall goes at 75.
  7. £300.000,that would amuse dad as he only paid £12.000 for it back in 1977!
  8. Quick update,got our first Probate valuation tomorrow.
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