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Bruce Spanner

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Bruce Spanner last won the day on May 18

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  1. 90% of the English language, everyday words, are derivative of the French vocabulaire.
  2. There are a LOT of All In tickets still on sale. Repeating a trick isn’t always the smartest move. Maybe they’ll move the non hard cam side over and fuck about with the angles.
  3. Have you in the UK got the feed of the near naked blue bloke? Pretty fucking odd.
  4. I get the idea, they all sail in to fight for their country etc. Just looks like it was cobbled together for €50 while Macron gurns on. The thing about the French though is they fucking hate Parisians, in much the same way most of the UK hates Londoners, so being so Paris fixated when the Olympics is all over the country will further antagonise the cheese eating, sexually liberated, erudite, cultured fucking bellends more.
  5. I bet they thought this was such a good idea in brainstorming…
  6. Typical French understatement. Pricks.
  7. Pete, I love you, dude, you’re part of the fabric of the forum, but that ONE made me sick. Negged. I might hang my hat on the new pretender to the photo/gif crown, Gaston Mike.
  8. I think the story was he forgot he owned it.
  9. Cheers, I'll drop that into conversation next time she pisses me off.
  10. Did he play 'Born To Run' late on? My wife was there last night and had to leave early due to a friend in need and that's her favourite and she's gutted she missed it.
  11. If you don't know the story of why Stallone made that and not Arnie treat yourself, you love them both a little more for it... https://screenrant.com/schwarzenegger-tricked-stallone-stop-or-my-mom-will-shoot/
  12. It's an old, old joke about it being filled with spelling mistakes and pointless abreviations. Grun/Gruniad interchangable.
  13. I’d say give him ‘til January, but there’s fucks chance he’s still here and not sacked by then, so no idea.
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