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FM 2021 Comp (Manager Poll & Team Name)

Bruce Spanner

Manager Situation?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to do?

    • Same Manager (All have Klopp Clones)
    • Draft Managers

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OK a few questions because I've never owned a games console or non work PC.


With the manager, how much affect does he have on the team/tactics? If I have Messi with Fat Sam as manager is poor Leo going to have to run the channels and try and win a throw in a dangerous area?

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2 minutes ago, No2 said:

OK a few questions because I've never owned a games console or non work PC.


With the manager, how much affect does he have on the team/tactics? If I have Messi with Fat Sam as manager is poor Leo going to have to run the channels and try and win a throw in a dangerous area?

The manger draft has been scrapped, so we'll all be using the same manager stats now.


In game it does have a big influence.

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18 minutes ago, Dynamite said:

The manger draft has been scrapped, so we'll all be using the same manager stats now.


In game it does have a big influence.

Better idea alright. People obviously seen the result of the draw and then tried to stop the steal.

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Just now, Scott_M said:

I’d like to complain about my lower half status in each draw.


I’ll be lucky to get Allerdyce & Pauli’s’ cast offs at this rate.


Four year olds don't know what a fix is, hence why she did it.


Some have it worse than you, even I think, me, so it's about planning and plotting...



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1 minute ago, John102 said:

Do people actually have the game or are they just picking players at random. 


I assume most is random, based on real life experience.


I only bought the game to do this and I enjoy playing around with the database more than actually playing the game now, so I can get my kicks and you lot get to play fantasy football for real.

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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Four year olds don't know what a fix is, hence why she did it.


Some have it worse than you, even I think, me, so it's about planning and plotting...



Just getting my excuses in early.

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Just now, John102 said:

Do people actually have the game or are they just picking players at random. 

I've never played any FM, ever. I am curious how it works. Do players have chemistry with other players in their club teams? If so does this transfer over with them into other teams, or do all players talents exist in isolation from each other?

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21 minutes ago, Alex_K said:

I've never played any FM, ever. I am curious how it works. Do players have chemistry with other players in their club teams? If so does this transfer over with them into other teams, or do all players talents exist in isolation from each other?


It's got more and more complex, and in truth more dull, with every iteration.


There is general happiness in the squad, which is to do with winning more than anything, and then management style which will affect things as well, you will get to choose yours don't worry, I'll get all this as the last thing from you.


It used to be a really nice game, but became bloated and too indepth and boring.

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2 minutes ago, Alex_K said:

I've never played any FM, ever. I am curious how it works. Do players have chemistry with other players in their club teams? If so does this transfer over with them into other teams, or do all players talents exist in isolation from each other?

The last time I played it, there was something that indicated a player had a good understanding with another, which was generally a result of them playing alongside each other. This would supplement the individuals own stats. 

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1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


It's got more and more comlex, and in truth more dull, with every iteration.


There is general happiness in the squad, which is to do with winning more than anything, and then management style which will affect things as well, you will get to choose yours don't worry, I'll get all this as the last thing from you.


It used to be a really nice game, but became bloated and too indepth and boring.

Yeah, to play it properly and take control of everything, you need the time of a professional gamer. 

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1 minute ago, John102 said:

The last time I played it, there was something that indicated a player had a good understanding with another, which was generally a result of them playing alongside each other. This would supplement the individuals own stats. 


2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


It's got more and more comlex, and in truth more dull, with every iteration.


There is general happiness in the squad, which is to do with winning more than anything, and then management style which will affect things as well, you will get to choose yours don't worry, I'll get all this as the last thing from you.


It used to be a really nice game, but became bloated and too indepth and boring.

Ok thx both for the info!

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I'm on night shift at the moment, so will be sleeping during the day. I normally wake up around midday for a bit, then head back to sleep for a few hours afterward.


On nights again Tuesday night into Wednesday, so the same routine will apply Wednesday too.

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