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FM 2021 Comp (Manager Poll & Team Name)

Bruce Spanner

Manager Situation?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to do?

    • Same Manager (All have Klopp Clones)
    • Draft Managers

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Guest Alex_K
3 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Some mind telling me what I'm actually doing in this. I don't have a clue how this works 

Turn-by-turn draft of active world footballers as registered in Football Manager 2021. Bruce notes how many players needed for each position. Once done you then choose a managerial style for your ingame manager. Bruce updates a league within the game to reflect the squads chosen by the 20 forum members playing; he then simulates league within FM21 & posts results week-by-week to find a winner

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My only comment from the last draft is I don't think we should do a random selection for all 4 positions. 


You run the risk of someone being a low position in all 4 positions and then on the flip side, someone being first pick across all 4. 


I think we should randomizer 2 of them, then flip positions on 2, from top to bottom, to make it fairer. 

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