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Small pleasures?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got some good news from the docs this morning, blood tests are all good, kidneys and liver function absolutely fine, the only thing is that I need to double the dosage of my B12 tablets. No biggie. Feeling better than I've done in ages tbh.


Sorted out my energy supplier for another 12 months, fixed at a comfortable enough price, and my insurance for 12 months and broadband for 18. All done, can forget all about those for another year.


Just cut my hair and had a cool shower, scranned a big bag of Monster Munch. Safe to say life is feeling good right now (perhaps suspiciously so), feet up, chilling out.

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45 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Haha you're not wrong.


Gonna have a cold lager right now, something I very rarely do when I'm at home by myself, but fuck it, why not?


Great news mate but get some sun on them legs, them trotters are woeful and why have you got the forum on the telly? 

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6 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

I had another small pleasure earlier today, drinking a pint of ice cold milk straight from the bottle.


Something I rarely do, and it was wonderful and refreshing.

That sounds amazing. 




Are you really short? In real life that is 

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2 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Got some good news from the docs this morning, blood tests are all good, kidneys and liver function absolutely fine, the only thing is that I need to double the dosage of my B12 tablets. No biggie. Feeling better than I've done in ages tbh.


Sorted out my energy supplier for another 12 months, fixed at a comfortable enough price, and my insurance for 12 months and broadband for 18. All done, can forget all about those for another year.


Just cut my hair and had a cool shower, scranned a big bag of Monster Munch. Safe to say life is feeling good right now (perhaps suspiciously so), feet up, chilling out.

What flavour Monster Munch?

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