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  1. Or which has been a mainstay of The US foreign policy over the past 60-odd years Biden only continued?
  2. It's definitely a great album title.
  3. It wouldn't hurt being able to kill the game off once in a while.
  4. I listened to an audio book and it was quite enjoyable, once you start recognizing / remembering the forum characters you had no problem following. All of the Strike books get longer for no apparent reason, but with this one, I actually liked how she incorporated the forum into it and it kind of makes sense to make it so long, with the forum living under different time-space rules to the real world. Sort of reminds you of a certain place.
  5. Watching Inside No. 9 for the first time, from start to finish, now on S7. 8.5/10 Most are very good, some are excellent, some suffer from highconceptitis. In general, quality.
  6. Do you not have access to Wikipedia?
  7. We will sell Salah now, Trent will run down his contract to leave on a free and VDV will stay with a new deal.
  8. Compared to Edwards and Hughes, Ibiza Jorg looks like the hardest working man in football.
  9. Do you have Code on ignore?
  10. What a shrewd move from Democrats, putting forward a candidate that actually looks to be alive. Now go win Ohio and Michigan.
  11. Kelly is all singing all dancing.
  12. Kuleba is in China today, that may be important. Hope he is not just buying some cheap drone spare parts.
  13. If they want to play for a big club, they are not likely to have guaranteed starts. VVD is 33, Konate is injury prone and may decide to go to Paris, Quansah is still young and Gomez is asked to fill various positions. Don't see this situation as not promising for an ambitious young defender.
  14. You have high expectations of VVD-s longevity. The man is 33. So most young players are guaranteed a no pressure transitional year and then another to make the grade. It actually sounds ideal for most young CBs.
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