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Small pleasures?


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I'm immune to drugs by and large, I smoked heroine once back in the day unbenknownst and it gave me a bad arse, had some pot in Amsterdam, my mate had to be taken to the toilet by someone because he had a panic attack because he couldn't feel his teeth, leaving me on my own drinking Heineken next to an ice rink on New Year's Eve, as stoned as Mike Pence at the wedding of Billy Graham's youngest grandchild. 

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56 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Nipping the toilet and on your way seeing a canvaser  walking down the path to beautifully annoy your missus who is too polite to brush them off. Ahh the distant murmurings of a conversation not wanted.

Not many outside toilets left, Bobby.

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I had a fit of the sneezes yesterday, probably caused by the pollen off Mrs HL's birthday flowers and my 4 year old granddaughter left the room.

She came back in moments later with a bit of bog roll saying 'Bless you Grandad, for your nose' as she handed it to me, got on the arm of my chair, snuggled in to watch a film.


Maybe one for the 'Emotions as you get Older' thread as I cherish things like this.

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11 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

I had a fit of the sneezes yesterday, probably caused by the pollen off Mrs HL's birthday flowers and my 4 year old granddaughter left the room.

She came back in moments later with a bit of bog roll saying 'Bless you Grandad, for your nose' as she handed it to me, got on the arm of my chair, snuggled in to watch a film.


Maybe one for the 'Emotions as you get Older' thread as I cherish things like this.

I can't wait until my Grandaughter wants to sit still for five minutes,other than her daytime nap.

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1 hour ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I can't wait until my Grandaughter wants to sit still for five minutes,other than her daytime nap.

She'll get there. This one was busy and would wear me out just looking at her but would spontaneously come up for a hug.


Then we had the lockdown so I didn't see her or any of the five for far too long and with her being so young it took time to build things back up to the way they were.


She's a character though, she can be very stubborn and obstinate but she cares. She's also a real little chatterbox you can have a conversation with.

I see a lot of me and my Mrs in her. An absolute joy.

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