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Small pleasures?


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On 15/02/2022 at 14:16, Section_31 said:

The doc has asked me to measure my piss for the next three days so I have to piss into a plastic measuring jug then write the readings down. I'll be honest, it's extremely addictive. 


As if this couldn't get any better. I had to take my piss diary to the GP and discuss it in front of two medical students. 


GP: "You weed a lot during the night but you'd had a beer that evening."


Me: "Our kitchen is getting done and our water is off - there was nothing else to drink!"


Belly laughs from the students and a smile of admonishment from the doctor, to which I turned around to the students and gave them a thumbs up. 

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On 16/02/2022 at 09:01, sir roger said:

Had a couple of relatives who worked in Jacobs and one of the highlights of my young life was a box of misshaped chocolate biscuits appearing in the house.

My nan’s neighbour worked at cadburys and we’d get boxes of broken biscuits quite often. The best.

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This is the simple pleasures, and I’m not sure if this counts as it’s more of a massive smile raising proud dad pleasure, but hell I’m sharing it.


girl was off school yesterday with a sickness bug but was feeling better later in the day so we sat and watched the first half of the womens football and she completed her first ever full solve of a rubix cube!



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2 minutes ago, Bob Spunkmouse said:

This is the simple pleasures, and I’m not sure if this counts as it’s more of a massive smile raising proud dad pleasure, but hell I’m sharing it.


girl was off school yesterday with a sickness bug but was feeling better later in the day so we sat and watched the first half of the womens football and she completed her first ever full solve of a rubix cube!




Nice. I used to just peel the stickers off and cheat.

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20 minutes ago, Anubis said:

On Friday spent 20 mins sat on a bench facing out over Hoylake beach. Nice and sunny. Slight breeze. Barely any foot traffic. Just able to clear my mind and let my gaze wander over to the wind farms.

Always felt a serene beauty to wind turbines. Fuck knows why people think they are a blight on the landscape.

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20 minutes ago, Anubis said:

On Friday spent 20 mins sat on a bench facing out over Hoylake beach. Nice and sunny. Slight breeze. Barely any foot traffic. Just able to clear my mind and let my gaze wander over to the wind farms.

Sounds wonderful.


Slowly walking home from work on Friday, the sun on my face and a faint but perceptible smell of the salty sea fret in my nose, the weekend ahead of me, the working week literally behind me, I was truly happy in that moment.


Here's to many, many more of those. I love spring time, easily my favourite time of the year.

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3 minutes ago, Rushies tash said:

Always felt a serene beauty to wind turbines. Fuck knows why people think they are a blight on the landscape.

I was on a Greyhound bus 28 years ago, travelling through the San Fernando Valley shortly after the sun had risen, and there were hundreds of them.


It was a wonderful sight, again, one I felt strangely privileged to experience in that moment.


A bucket list memory for sure.

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Putting on fresh socks

I remember years back hearing that Beckham wears new boxers every day.


It was at this point it finally dawned on me what the phrase ‘how the other half live’ really means.


Imagine, if you even can, that brand new feeling everyday?

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