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torahboy last won the day on November 28 2015

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  1. Ipswich deserve the relegation that is surely coming to them. At least then Phillips will be consigned to the level he should never have left.
  2. Just popped in to have a quick look. Yeah, still full of whining, bitching shithouses. I'll try another place.
  3. Chelsea are not a team to fear. Beating this Tottenham team is not indicitive of any teams'claims to be league challengers.
  4. From the FA's web site - A player is in an offside position if: any part of the head, body or feet is in the opponents’ half (excluding the halfway line) and any part of the head, body or feet is nearer to the opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent Looks like the shoulder is no longer considered part of a body by the FA and FIFA.
  5. Bobby Firmino got a goal disallowed at Villa Park because his arm pit was adjudged to be a part of the body you can score with. Saliba's shoulder was clearly beyond the last Fulham player. Clearl;y offside. Officials fucking us again.
  6. Love the diehards on here. We have a poor performance in which we get a point away from home in a game which, somehow, we should have won and the bitch chorus are screaming and pissing their pants all over the place. Embarrassing fucking cunts.
  7. Sort it by letting Coote and Klopp have a straightener on the 'oller' at the back of the Pig and Whistle. Martin Samuel and Steve French as their respective seconds.
  8. When the Finnish player strolled past Walker and put a ball in Dixon said "You can't stop every cross".
  9. Willie Stevenson is still knocking around.
  10. I see, For amoment I thought something unusual was occurring.
  11. The social media activity surrounding the Southport atrocity implicating Muslims apparently came from USA (49%) and the UK (30%) Not sure if these figures were from Channel 4 news or Newsnight. The remaining 21% probably came from Grand Old Team.
  12. Tommy Lawrence of Arabia 28 Day Slater Springett and Port Wine Alan Rough Cut Steve Death In Venice. I'm old, it's late and I've had a bevvy.
  13. Arsenal doing what any competent team should do to this Chelsea side. Game going as expected. I actually think it's a bit dead and can't understand what that thick twat, McCoist, is getting all wet about.
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