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Small pleasures?


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3 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

A man after my own heart. 

I was in Southsea a few weeks back and took the missus for a walk up the seafront. Went to a seafood place on the pier called Jewels & Gems of the sea. I had a crab roll and a mixed tub of cockles and ocean pinx. All fresh, absolutely spectacular. I could live off seafood and smoked bacon. 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

I was in Southsea a few weeks back and took the missus for a walk up the seafront. Went to a seafood place on the pier called Jewels & Gems of the sea. I had a crab roll and a mixed tub of cockles and ocean pinx. All fresh, absolutely spectacular. I could live off seafood and smoked bacon. 

Never been much of a one for seafood myself, but I had a crab and lobster burger down in Lulworth Cove a few weeks back that was possibly the tastiest thing I've ever eaten.

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6 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Never been much of a one for seafood myself, but I had a crab and lobster burger down in Lulworth Cove a few weeks back that was possibly the tastiest thing I've ever eaten.

I love it down there. Beautiful part of the country. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Talking to someone who's cross eyed.


That always makes me paranoid. I'm not sure what they can see from the squiffy one, so if I only stare into the other, will that offend them?


I get worried that they might think I don't want to look at the wob eye, so I then look at it, but start to wonder how long is a normal amount of time to spend on each eye.


By which time I've completely lost track of whatever they were saying.

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