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Babb'sBurstNad last won the day on July 20

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About Babb'sBurstNad

  • Birthday 12/08/1990

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  1. Nit-picking, but my two issues with T2 are Edward Furlong, and the bootstrap paradox nature of the plot once you get to Cyberdyne. T1 had no fat on it, and avoided that causality stuff by cutting the original ending.
  2. She really is an awful writer. You can smell the gin on her tweets.
  3. That's nice. Reminds me a bit of the old Sampdoria shirts.
  4. There's no way Majestic 12 let Trump have the real files.
  5. I don't mind it actually, probably one of the better MLS badges. It'd be much better if they lost the outer part and just had the birds and some lettering, like ours though. It's the sponsorship on the back I hate.
  6. I like the Inter Miami 3rd kit. The use of the same colour scheme as the Dolphins is smart. It also makes me think of mint ice cream.
  7. Does Wikipedia have access to Code?
  8. I know it's not right, but I'm weirdly excited to hear how Trump insults him. Nailed on he'll be calling him "Little space boy" and intimating only gays fly rockets.
  9. Yeah, I think there's a lot of snide flying about. Every halfway decent analysis ends in polemics on this subject. Starmer likes starving kids, opposing the cap is theatre etc. It's possible, just possible, that most people are doing what they think is right, but just disagree on the means. You cunt!
  10. Cheers. Agree with a lot of that, and I'm not frotting to the thought of hungry kids either. Still not sure the whip needed removing, as it arguably only makes it a bigger story and entrenches the divide. Honestly, I'm not sure anyone comes out of this happy and smelling of roses.
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