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Mark Drakeford


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2 minutes ago, Mudface said:

Labour would need to get into power first to do that. Plus gerrymandering is pretty abhorrent, no matter who's doing it. 

Yes and they are currently 17 points ahead in the polls so looking good on that front.


Second bit you’re not wrong, but I don’t see any better options, could just be framed as undoing Tory gerrymandering even if it is morally questionable.


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PR tends to temper the extremes of any one political party but seeing as the tories have laid waste to any semblance of middle ground in British politics I'm not sure it would make much difference. As for the Independence debate,while most of the money and power runs through the crooks in the City of London it is difficult to set up a rival investment hub to create moneyflow away from there. At least Scotland and Wales could try and rejoin the EU though. Unless they believed they were wealthy enough to survive through whatever they have as core industries now? I'm not so sure of that.

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On 28/09/2022 at 10:41, Section_31 said:

It would be quite funny if they formed a new union that excluded England. 

Considering the train strike yesterday must have seriously dented numbers, this was a good turnout.




Never been one for Welsh independence personally but its definitely a growing mood amongst the youngsters. Loads now hold veiws similar to girl in clip.




New research suggests Wales would not (as previously thought) be poorer if their was a split  



If the Tories win the next general election the Union will imo face breaking point. Difficult to see either Scotland/Wales putting up with an extreme right wing government they have not voted for.

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10 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Considering the train strike yesterday must have seriously dented numbers, this was a good turnout.




Never been one for Welsh independence personally but its definitely a growing mood amongst the youngsters. Loads now hold veiws similar to girl in clip.




New research suggests Wales would not (as previously thought) be poorer if their was a split  



If the Tories win the next general election the Union will imo face breaking point. Difficult to see either Scotland/Wales putting up with an extreme right wing government they have not voted for.


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Now the dust as settled on the Truss speech i had a browse how it went down locally in relation to Wales. Unsurprisingly the answer is not at all good. I wondered why the local morning paper had a pic of both Truss and Greta Thunberg on the top of its front page. Reading inside it was because of Truss critcising Wales for not building more roads (we're a name on her bizarre anti growth list). As the article pointed out its a known Welsh climate change policy agreed after emergency meetings with the Europes leading environmental experts after listening to protest voices by (mainly young) climate change activists. What the fuck is Truss's problem? Truss has obviously forgotten the UK record recorded temperatures caused by climate change this summer.


In her speech Truss also described Nicola Sturgeon and Mark Drakeford as "not understanding the British people".. that hasn't gone down well either..







Everytime she speaks Truss seems to look for trouble. She's proving herself to be a very dangerous idiot.




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Mark Drakeford urged to withdraw 'insulting' Covid group comments

There are calls for the first minister to withdraw remarks claiming a group of families bereaved by Covid had moved on from calling for a Wales-specific inquiry.

Members of the Covid Bereaved Families for Justice Cymru group said the claim was "insulting" and "not true".

A letter from Plaid Cymru called on Mark Drakeford to reflect on his words "as a sign of respect" for the group.

The Welsh government said it would respond in due course.

Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies also wrote to the first minister, asking him to "either clarify the basis on which your comments were made, or correct the record".

Facing questions from Mr Davies in his weekly question time on Tuesday, the Welsh Labour leader said that he believed from meetings "I've had with them... that, unlike the leader of the opposition, they are moving on from continuing to ask for something which is not going to happen".

'The world has moved on'

He added: "The leader of the opposition can, of course, go on making his case for as long and as loudly as he likes. In the meantime, the world has moved on."

Faced with criticism a Welsh government source said his reference was to the group's comment that members had "shifted their focus".

Covid Bereaved Families for Justice Cymru has about 500 members and met Mr Drakeford a number of times during the pandemic, repeatedly calling for a specific Welsh inquiry.

The Welsh government has rejected those calls and has instead backed a UK-wide inquiry, saying it would give a better understanding of how decisions were taken between the different governments of the United Kingdom.

On Tuesday the bereaved families group was told it would be considered a "core-participant" in the UK inquiry.

Welcoming the decision, Mr Drakeford told the Senedd that he had written to the group "earlier this year supporting their application" for the status.

On Radio Wales on Tuesday evening group member Sam Smith-Higgin said Mr Drakeford had "lied saying he had written a letter supporting us for core participant status --he hasn't".

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40 minutes ago, Strontium said:

Saw that. Bad politics that from Drakeford, his comment came across as insensitive.I understand his general point but it was (uncharacteristically for him) clumsily made. Its a shame as in general he was sure-footed and he did well for Wales throughout the pandemic and vaccination rollout.







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I can't be the only one who thinks Drakeford is a bit of cunt. Yes he did some good things during the pandemic but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


He's another from the same school of thought as Trudeau, Varadkar, Macron et al. They loudly give with one hand while sneakily taking with the other.


I'm not a fan of politicians calling those that they don't agree with "right-wing" either and he's one of those. It's a cunts trick of trying to instantly silence someone. Same method as the "Corbyn's an anti-semite" shite. 

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6 hours ago, ZonkoVille77 said:

I can't be the only one who thinks Drakeford is a bit of cunt. Yes he did some good things during the pandemic but even a broken clock is right twice a day.


He's another from the same school of thought as Trudeau, Varadkar, Macron et al. They loudly give with one hand while sneakily taking with the other.


I'm not a fan of politicians calling those that they don't agree with "right-wing" either and he's one of those. It's a cunts trick of trying to instantly silence someone. Same method as the "Corbyn's an anti-semite" shite. 


Jesus wept..


Go on who else thinks he's a cunt?  Greta Thunberg? Or Right wingers you mention who probably deserve to be called out over the nonsense they speak?


Drakeford has fuck all in common with Trudeu and Macron. He's a old fashioned no nonsense Labour leader similar to Gordon Brown. Whilst England and the western world seemed engrossed by Boris Johnsons bullshit Drakeford helped give the Conservatives the fucking hammering they deserved.


Who has Drakeford called "right wing'?  Oh diddums.  You seen the shit Drakefords been called over the past few years? 


Boris Johnsons bullshit may have been swallowed by the electorate in England in but in Wales they got the hammering they deserved, and not a silly cunt waving union flags in sight.


Modern day British politics is full to the brim of double headed scumbags who care only for their own career. Drakeford's got faults but he isn't in that bracket. He's a genuinely good man who's trying to his best for Wales whilst having his hands tied by an extremely right wing Tory government Westminster.


Edit, it's a shame Truss and Kwarteng didn't listen to the advice given the the last 30 seconds of this clip. It would have saved the UK 65 Billion stopped a run on the pound and stopped intrests rates flying through the roof.




Drakeford was spot on. His seething hatred o yet more tory inequality also shone through.

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56 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Jesus wept..


Go on who else thinks he's a cunt?  Greta Thunberg? Or Right wingers you mention who probably deserve to be called out over the nonsense they speak?


Drakeford has fuck all in common with Trudeu and Macron. He's a old fashioned no nonsense Labour leader similar to Gordon Brown. Whilst England and the western world seemed engrossed by Boris Johnsons bullshit Drakeford helped give the Conservatives the fucking hammering they deserved.


Who has Drakeford called "right wing'?  Oh diddums.  You seen the shit Drakefords been called over the past few years? 


Boris Johnsons bullshit may have been swallowed by the electorate in England in but in Wales they got the hammering they deserved, and not a silly cunt waving union flags in sight.


Modern day British politics is full to the brim of double headed scumbags who care only for their own career. Drakeford's got faults but he isn't in that bracket. He's a genuinely good man who's trying to his best for Wales whilst having his hands tied by an extremely right wing Tory government Westminster.


Edit, it's a shame Truss and Kwarteng didn't listen to the advice given the the last 30 seconds of this clip. It would have saved the UK 65 Billion stopped a run on the pound and stopped intrests rates flying through the roof.




Drakeford was spot on. His seething hatred o yet more tory inequality also shone through.


Good men don't legalise discrimination. Simple as.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Rent free. Wales shouldn't follow the advice of England. England has a very different electorate, which is what I told you when you - quite laughably - suggested the plan for England should be the same as Wales. It's quite difficult when you don't understand what a representative democracy entails. 

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  • 1 month later...

His wife's funeral today. No idea who went.


He's not far from controversy though. What the fuck are they smoking on this Jeremy Vine show? My mate sent me the link, said it was funny. Jeremy Vine "Some people in Wales might not ride bikes"  what a fucking odd show.


They are talking about something that's been in the pipeline for three years, hence Thunbergs reaction below Monbiots tweet.







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  • 4 weeks later...

Retiring soon. Been a bit disappointing this term imo but a good decent honest politician who always tried to do right for people of Wales, a total contrast from those charlatans running the show in Westminster. 


He's also right about Labour employing the voting system of PR (second vid down) when they win the next election, fed up to the back teeth of English Tory rule. 







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