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Strontium last won the day on August 13 2023

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About Strontium

  • Birthday November 26

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    : Mossad Time Machine

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  1. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation really isn't it, because what if MI5 don't share intelligence with the police, and then she goes and blows up a mosque or something.
  2. I had a shit last week and Keir Starmer still hasn't been round to flush the toilet.
  3. Of course it's disappointing, but it's the same group of players who failed last season, so it's not really surprising.
  4. I feared the worst today when I saw Alisson wearing trousers.
  5. Why is Bradley allowing him to get it onto his right? Just a few minutes after he was caught napping by the same player. Buy some players you tight-fisted cunts.
  6. I really do think that our tiny little Subbuteo pitch makes it harder to break down teams (as well as being the reason we can't host elite fixtures).
  7. Not to mention that, since Labour was last in power, there's an extra 1.2 billion people on this planet who need feeding.
  8. Well, it was RSPB Snettisham, which is right next to the sea, but very far from most people's idea of the seaside. My guess is that now we're well into migration season, it was picking off birds from the many large flocks that are moving down the coast at this time of year. I took that picture with my crappy phone camera held against a spotting scope and it's the first one that has turned out remotely well.
  9. Check out this cool Peregrine Falcon I saw the other day in Norfolk.
  10. Not as amazing as Lucy Letby though, who was able to kill numerous people at will without anyone ever witnessing it, using numerous different MOs, and without a single one of the murders being detected by autopsy. Truly, we are dealing with this century's great criminal mastermind.
  11. Boys of Bedlam by Steeleye Span contains the word 'maudlin'. Can I suggest "Miserablism" by Pet Shop Boys as an alternative M word?
  12. I don't see any outrage on my part, just a bit of eye-rolling cos Vlad wrote something idiotic again. I'd like to think I'd pull anyone up if they suggested that there was some cosmic justice involved when innocent people are killed.
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