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Strontium last won the day on August 13 2023

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About Strontium

  • Birthday November 26

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    : Mossad Time Machine

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  1. I still feel like Jones has everything to be an important player for us. In many ways he is the natural heir to Wijnaldum. A calming influence when our midfield is doing a passable impression of headless chickens. If only he had Gini's injury record.
  2. The last time we signed a player, Arne Slot had hair
  3. They're correct about Terminator being better than Terminator 2. True Lies should be higher, as should Twins. I also remember quite enjoying The 6th Day, which should have squeezed in there. And where's Collateral Damage?
  4. What's to assess? We finished third last season, and exited the UEFA and FA Cups in the quarter-finals. Ergo, the team is not good enough, and needs to be improved. It's not fucking rocket science.
  5. But if we sold everyone with a poor injury record, we'd not even have enough for a 5-a-side team.
  6. At least four of those will get serious injuries during the season though. We've all seen this movie before. Many times.
  7. They can have their 3 month week break when they suffer their regular season injuries.
  8. Eurosport is Discovery, that's what it's being screened on in the UK
  9. Challenge: sum Liverpool FC's transfer window up in one song title.
  10. Angry, they just fought and won an election on a manifesto that claims to be fully costed. And now, less than three weeks since that election, a small number of MPs have decided to vote for a policy which wasn't in the manifesto, that would cost another £3 billion a year. It is naive - at best - to think that the cap can be scrapped right away without consequences. Labour needs to build a reputation as a fiscally responsible party of government before it can go splashing the cash like that.
  11. Great Olympic Headlines https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/articles/cd10pyd7e2zo Radcliffe apologises for wishing convicted rapist luck
  12. Yes, you would expect Labour has its own programme to challenge inequality. Voting for the amendment shows a lack of trust of MPs in their own party leadership. If, four years down the line, they've still done nothing, then you could say MPs would be justified in taking matters into their own hands and voting for such an amendment. But they've been in power for 5 minutes. And 7 of their own MPs have already run out of patience? Okay then, off you fuck.
  13. None of the videos seem to show that bit for some reason.
  14. Signing one player and having zero outgoings makes them stronger by definition (they also have Cancelo back from loan, fwiw).
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