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Gnasher last won the day on February 16 2023

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    Human rights, Greenpeace, Cardiff Stop the war https://x.com/CardiffStW?t=EC7EMDDA3SvtyVdmuN8h9w&s=09 Justice for Aberfan. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt6183908/

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  1. Happy Birthday to Mick Jagger. 82 today. Not bad for a man who's taken every drug under the sun and slept with almost every women under the sun and has definitely seen the odd late night. for context, this man was 35 when this pic was taken.
  2. New form of great white discovered off the coast of Turkey.
  3. Canada. Some of the old style coppers were great, although some not so great. This fellas in the former category. Bet he's seen some action.
  4. ' yeah I knows its tough Joe but take yourself back to when your wife and child died, remember? Not as tough as that day is it Joe? He's a strange fella Vine. He's even tagged Biden in his post.
  5. Yep. Made worse by Corbyn strolling back and forth from his allotment.
  6. Yeah seems like. The one sitting down was no threat, he had his hands on his head. He could have been cuffed and lead away with no commotion or violence. The coppers actions made the situation more threatening than it needed to be, its supposed to be the other way around. The women officers should have led the old lady away from the commotion. It was a operational disaster. Although we don't know what intelligence they received.
  7. I thought the same. He didn't even disable him. As well as dangerous it was idiotic. The fella could have got himself up and stabbed a couple of coppers to death. It makes you question both the quality of personnel and the training they are receiving.
  8. You've gone too far with that post. Owen Jones? You're braver than me. I'm off out but good luck.
  9. Police in Islington on the look out for a fella pretending to be Jeremy Corbyn. Apparently a retired actor who misses the adulation and attention.
  10. Yeah unfortunately I think you'll be proved right on her foreign policy not differing much from Biden. Its the hope that kills you.
  11. Harris's hubby. Seems not many in the US political sphere who don't fall at the feet of Israel and we are going the same way.
  12. I'm probably being naive and its very early days but she certainly seems an improvement on old Genocide Joe.
  13. Yep. It's been taken down. Leaves the question where is the woman who's been assaulted? It's amazing in this day and age how nobody got a pic or one hasn't been released.
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