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Air Fryers

Poor Scouser T

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On 22/11/2023 at 09:19, Tony Moanero said:

I was considering buying one this week but having read loads of online reviews, I’ve decided against doing so. I would have mostly used it for things such as shop bought fish fingers, arancini, breaded cheese etc. There are far too many negative comments in relation to breaded and battered food cooking unevenly. Our oven is on the way out, so I’ll just put the money towards buying a new one


Do it Tony- you wont regret it. I only got a cheap one in Asda couple of years back- use it pretty much every day- Id say it cooks better than the oven particularly for breaded and battered stuff and uses much less energy  

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My mum got me an air fryer a year ago, a Ninja very similar to the one on the previous page. She kept banging on about how great they are, and that put me off right off it if I'm honest. However I started using it recently and I have to admit it's extremely handy, cooks food much quicker than the oven, and it tastes better too. 

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3 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:


What air fryer have you got?

It's only a cheapo jobby the wife got , I'll have a look but the ninja ones are supposed to be the dogs what with two trays and all , that's the main draw back with a single as you're pretty limited volume wise

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On 22/11/2023 at 08:26, Curly said:

I find it mad how anyone I know and speak to who’ve just bought one, have the exact same conversation about it.


”Just bought and air fryer”

”Oh yeah?”

”Good eh?”

”I don’t know, I haven’t got one - decent is it?”

”Amazing. I’ve done bacon in it. Tried some chips, but they weren’t right - will have to have another go. And that’s it”


It feels like some mad PR scam. People say it’s amazing, but never really sell to you what’s amazing about it. Mrs Curly keeps saying she’s getting one, but it never transpires. 




Ive explained to the missus that they are an expensive gimmick and she is in full agreement.


It maybe quicker to cook but when you look at its wattage of 2470w compared to a normal oven of 1500w its ridiculous how people claim its cheaper to run, but then they have been brainwashed by the soundbites.


I also think that something that small will not last more than 5 years, whereas an oven will last decades if looked after.


As for roast dinners for 4, i'll stick with the oven, theres no way i'm fitting everything into something the size of a shoe box.

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11 minutes ago, Clem H Fandango said:




Ive explained to the missus that they are an expensive gimmick and she is in full agreement.


It maybe quicker to cook but when you look at its wattage of 2470w compared to a normal oven of 1500w its ridiculous how people claim its cheaper to run, but then they have been brainwashed by the soundbites.


I also think that something that small will not last more than 5 years, whereas an oven will last decades if looked after.


As for roast dinners for 4, i'll stick with the oven, theres no way i'm fitting everything into something the size of a shoe box.

Don't know why you're getting your knickers in such a twist mate , if you're a keen or dedicated chef/cook , who enjoys cooking traditionally then obviously these things aren't for you . Personally I'm not really arsed about the whole process , I just want to eat in the easiest most convenient way possible! 

Oh and by the way , my fryer is 1500 watts and cooks most things approx twice as quickly as our fan oven.  Speed of cooking is not even up for debate , and absolutely saves money . If it's not thing that's fine. 

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29 minutes ago, Tony Moanero said:


What air fryer have you got?

It's a tower 1500 watt , 4.3 litre. If you're not on a tight budget I'd go for one of the ninja ones or similar as Clem fandango says , a large roast dinner for the family could be challenging 

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1 hour ago, elvis said:

It's a tower 1500 watt , 4.3 litre. If you're not on a tight budget I'd go for one of the ninja ones or similar as Clem fandango says , a large roast dinner for the family could be challenging 


Her parents have got 2 air fryers to do roast dinners. They keep offering to get us one, but im stuck in my ways and prefer to cook in the oven or slow cooker.

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1 hour ago, Clem H Fandango said:




Ive explained to the missus that they are an expensive gimmick and she is in full agreement.


It maybe quicker to cook but when you look at its wattage of 2470w compared to a normal oven of 1500w its ridiculous how people claim its cheaper to run, but then they have been brainwashed by the soundbites.


I also think that something that small will not last more than 5 years, whereas an oven will last decades if looked after.


As for roast dinners for 4, i'll stick with the oven, theres no way i'm fitting everything into something the size of a shoe box.


Yep- I have enough trouble sorting everything out to be able to cook a roast in our single oven. Hopefully we can afford to get the kitchen done soon and have a double oven like in our last house.

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Just now, lifetime fan said:

We’ve that ninja 2 drawer thing, it’s ok to do quick frozen shit for the kids but I’m not a fan. 

She wants the ninja toaster for Christmas, £120 for a fucking toaster! Birds will buy into any old bollocks they see on social media. 

If it buttered it for you and cut it in half it still wouldn't be worth £120.

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