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Barrington Womble

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Barrington Womble last won the day on June 29

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  1. I had assumed they were carrying on, just in that league below. It's just with @No2saying they've folded, that might be them done all together.
  2. I think arsenal are more boring to watch than city. Because they don't have the same quality to open up when teams sit back and have increasingly relied on set pieces to do that for them. It's not that goals from set pieces don't count. It's a question of if you want to watch it. It's not a brand of football I am interested in. Southgates way of playing is controlling games, don't make mistakes. It's just a shitter version because he doesn't have the coaching skills of guardiola.
  3. I'm belittling brands of football. My comment is related to I don't think it's good for us if we end up in that direction. I accepted years ago it was probably going to be shit when klopp went, because the level we played at relied on miracles. But if we're going to go down, I'd sooner we do that going down fighting than just copy others.
  4. We had more success in winning titles against a guardiola city than any other side. Once he got past his first season, they've won the league every year since, except when we did. 1 title in 9 years is better than what we did in the previous 20. Arsenal are also trying to mimic city. But their way of doing it, is don't lose goals and win on set pieces. That is even more tedious than the way city play. And I'm not seeing their trophy cabinet filling up with it either. I know most people don't agree. But this boring brand of football that guardiola has been awful for the game. People think the main reason nobody cares about city winning is because they're cheats and nobodies. But the main reason imo, is they're so uninspiring to watch. It's like watching a training session and is so dull and passionless. I dread the idea of us heading in that direction. I've enjoyed the football we have played over the last 9 years. I'm not really too interested in moving to some identikit way of playing out of the uefa manual.
  5. Are they gone all together or is there a way back for them?
  6. Jones did. Which means that's the message they're getting in training.
  7. To be honest, so is all that shite about killing teams with possession. I've got to be honest, I've got no interest in watching that type of football. It's more boring than Wimbledon 80s football and it's only successful when you have all the best players.
  8. That last paragraph just sounds like something that would be in uefa coaching manuals. It's almost word for word with the type of thing Rodgers said when he arrived here. For me the problem with this, is it sounds like we're going to try and almost copy what city do. But I don't see how you compete doing that when they've got the world's best coach at that type of football, the worlds biggest budget and they cheat. For me, what klopp's approach allowed us was a different way to do things. It wasn't as controlling as city, but the upsides were there. I agree. That was our edge. I don't see how copying guadiolas style closes the gap on them.
  9. We'll probably see them soon enough now Sony own his back catalogue.
  10. Dutchman in speaking his mind shocker. Although I'd get rid because I don't think he looks very good, not that I've seen a lot of him, but with defenders you don't have to.
  11. Apparently when he played it at Cardiff the few days before that show it was the first time he'd ever played it live. I don't know if that's true or not.
  12. I have had a full on breakfast nightmare today. I was staying over near aldgate in London this week. I got up this morning to head home to Liverpool as hungry as it's possible to be, so I thought I'd get a breakfast on the way to the tube. I aimed for a place called "Jack the Chipper" which is one of those over priced fish and chips cafes. But I'd been told it did a great breakfast. So I got there, settled down and got the menu. No fucking pork. Fuck off. So turkey bacon and beef sausage. So I fucked that off, knowing there were two more cafés between where I was and the station. The same in both of them. Triple fuck off. So I got on the tube and remembered the rocket near Euston does an ok breakfast and they also have white pudding. So I got there, just ordered their biggest fry up as I knew that came with everything and sat down. Then this fucking monstrosity turned up. And not only was there no white pudding, there was no black pudding either. I checked the menu and they've stopped doing it. Cunts. Only one of the 3 eggs had a runny yoke. It was cheap to be fair, a tenner for this 3 of everything number. I had about half of it.
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