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Air Fryers

Poor Scouser T

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1 hour ago, Strontium said:


You sure you're using it right? I cook fresh and frozen in mine, potato and sweet potato, it's probably the thing I use it for most often.

Yes. The ninja is shit for chips. 

We used to have a tefal air fryer, was circular with a paddle that rotated, was a million times better than the ninja for chips. 

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1 hour ago, Strontium said:


You sure you're using it right? I cook fresh and frozen in mine, potato and sweet potato, it's probably the thing I use it for most often.


This is spot on.


There is nothing better than an air fryer for roasting vegetables. It is about half the time of the oven and they come out more evenly roasted. I use mine probably 3-4x/week for that. Sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, butternut squash, any of them, just drizzle some olive oil and salt on them, set it to air crisp and it's literally 10-12 minutes. Healthy and delicious!

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2 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Yes. The ninja is shit for chips. 

We used to have a tefal air fryer, was circular with a paddle that rotated, was a million times better than the ninja for chips. 


I'd agree on the chip front. Although I find if you cut your own chips and give them a good gloop of olive oil they're good. 


But for frozen chips, yeah, they don't come out too well. 


Good enough for the kids though..... 

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For all your frozen shit; especially when we do home made KFC from Iceland etc at the weekend its mint. 


All chicken etc cooked in there for wraps and bacon etc at the weekend. 


Meat you would fry basically its banging for. 


Hashbrowns/Chips/etc its great for. 


But wouldnt cook a roast in there. May be cheaper/better etc but much like Col' I enjoy cooking and whilst the air fryer is brilliant and less time consuming it wouldnt feel right. 


Also absolutely banging for Cheese toasties!!!!

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Mrs Curly ended up getting one after loads of discussing it. She had £100 love to shop vouchers she put towards it, so got a great deal in the end.


Weve only done one meal - chicken thighs and chips - and it was honestly immense. The chips were frozen McCain jobs but came out crispy - like restaurant standard. The chicken thighs were perfect - crispy skin and the white meat was spot on as well though. 

High recommend based off that, but it’s early days

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1 hour ago, Curly said:

Weve only done one meal - chicken thighs and chips - and it was honestly immense. The chips were frozen McCain jobs but came out crispy - like restaurant standard. The chicken thighs were perfect - crispy skin and the white meat was spot on as well though. 

Good grief, Curly, you’ve gone down in my estimation. 

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