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Dave D

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Dave D last won the day on February 6 2018

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  1. Well worth a watch. Particularly if you can binge watch it from season 1
  2. Not seen the last episode yet- Ive found the latest season hard to piece together plot wise- probably due to having to await a week for each episode- I forget half of it. 6 Episodes isnt enough though, and the final episode should be feature length as theres so much to tie-up
  3. Bristow was brash but could back it up. He also led the split, which at the time was a huge gamble professionally and financially, which in turn has created the Darts we watch today
  4. The warning signs were there when the girl started wanking to a picture of Joey Essex
  5. I was hoping it might calm down. Then I just read Mooks post….. shit a brick
  6. Imagine an audience of Stone Colds watching her.... talk about rattlesnakes
  7. Just started watching Industry. Lots of Cocaine sniffing bankers and lots and lots of sex scenes catering for all tastes. Watchable if a bit uncomfortable at times..
  8. Given how we fell away last season we will need a signing or two in January as he doesnt seem to be one for rotation- some of these players have form for breaking down. Maybe he doesnt train them as hard as Klopp did
  9. I take my dog for a walk on weekend to a beautiful open nature reserve- I try and go early (around 8am) as it can get hard to park. All very idyllic and tranquil- apart from last weekend where some twat was walking across the field with his dog whilst have a loud speaker conversation while holding his phone flat in the palm of his hand (why do people do that?) and every other word was "yeah, fuuuckkk, fuckin right mate, SHITTTTTTT " I seriously considered batting the phone out of his hand but Id only been awake about half an hour and hadn't had breakfast so wasnt quite fight ready
  10. Do people still iron stuff? I must mention this to the wife.
  11. This place is full of surprises. I honestly had Mr Scott M and Mr B Womble down as 2 of the more measured and placid posters on here. I knew Nunez was divisive but this is crazy shit
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