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stringvest last won the day on July 27 2023

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About stringvest

  • Birthday 25/04/1924

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    snood groobler
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    4bed det, gsoh

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  1. I think he’s here for the short/medium haul. When Salah shaves his hair off in a pisstake/tribute to the new man, you know it’s going to be an eventful season.
  2. Best captain, defo. Gerrard probably shades it as a footballer, but as a midfield enforcer, none better.
  3. It’s like the Isle of Dogs was before it was redeveloped. Bad news for Everton is it will be like that forever.
  4. and I’ve still got most of my marbles Stronts
  5. There is a blackbird that sits on the top of the cabin in my garden and sings to me while I work in the garden. It’s really lovely, but does often make the Teams calls difficult.
  6. I hope he successfully managed to retreat. I’m amazed you can get anything like that in France though.
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