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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Numero Veinticinco

I've started watching Suits and breezed through season 1 in a few days, thoroughly enjoyable.


Now on to season 2 and how for more of the same.


Liking the humour and some of the women.

I'd say it gets better from there. Really love it.

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Watched the first 4 episodes of the new Trailer Park Boys and I'm disappointed. Might be because I've stopped smoking weed or it might just be a massive dip in quality, either way I've not really laughed much at all - 5.5/10 so far

Bojack Horseman - Only watched 2 episodes but I'm quite enjoying it. The reviews I read weren't positive at all, but it's gotten a few laughs out of me - 6/10

The Thick of It series 1 - I don't know a thing about politics n ting so I put off watching it even though everyone said it's ace. Thought it was very funny - 8.5/10

Arrested Development season 4 - I was worried at first as some of it was average and I really was worried they'd ruined it, but eventually it got back to its best. One of the biggest disappointment for me was the lack of George snr. He was one of the best things about the original 3 seasons and my joint favourite character along with Gob - 8.5/10

Utopia - Watched the first 3 episodes and it's alright, think it was hyped up a bit too much by my mates. I'll probably finish it off soon, but when an episode finished I was hardly rushing to watch the next one - 6.5/10

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The Strain is very mixed. Some weeks rather good but other weeks it is dire.


This week they showed the big monster dude for the first time and he looked like something off Sesame Street. I'm out!

See the monster angle is shit, drop that part of the story, stick it directly to a virus. Better tv.



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