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redheart last won the day on April 4 2021

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  1. Still it could be worse at least he isn't a twice convicted drug cheat...oh wait
  2. Found it in lego shop £129.99 and free delivery Im having some of that
  3. Where is it available from and how much?
  4. This reminds me of older relatives who are no longer with us
  5. Richard Osman reckons his innuendos are planned in advance and many cut out,
  6. If Joe Biden really wanted to troll people he would pardon that guy who was waiting by the Golf Course to shoot Trump! Also a posthumous pardon to that lad shot dead who only shot him in the ear This I would respect
  7. Im off to see Paul heaton on the 19th December
  8. The second series is better but nowhere near the standard of the original. The latest episode with the murder mystery party was good and probably the best episode of the reboot but still nowhere near the original
  9. Phoebe Cates from Gremlins
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