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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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Half way through season one of Justified, so far so- so. The pilot episode was excellent but since then its just been an average cop procedural. Boyd seems to be set for a return in the next few episodes. I hope.

You are through the worst part now, it gets brilliant at the end of season one and the following seasons. Stick with it, it's outstanding.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Yeah, I enjoyed it too. Bloody good stuff, actually. I had to fuck that Bates Motel off, though. Utter shit, that.

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Kolchak: The night stalker (original series). Was bored last night decided to rewatch a couple of episodes, still love it even if I've seen them before, will watch a few more tonight probably.


For anyone who has seen it, it's like a 70's X - files(X-Files creator Chris Carter said it was one of his inspirations) with the excellent Darrin McGavin in the lead role as Carl Kolchak the news reporter who has a knack of seeking out the more mysterious crimes. 8/10.


Stay away from the recentish remake though.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Californication S7




The death of a once great show. Been on the wane, but it's just fucked now.

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American horror story, murder house and asylum.


both enjoyable in their own weird little ways. The first series does creepy haunted house really well and has a twisted sense of humour. The second goes all gross out before kind of losing its way, but by that point the characters are interesting enough to carry it through.


loads of film and horror references throughout.

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Finished the West Wing last week after wading through all 7 series in about 6 months. Excellent stuff overall but another that was at least a series too long.

Asking shows to be over 20 episodes per series long is just asking too much.

Its no coincidence that most of the best series,Sopranos,Breaking Bad,Boardwalk Empire,keep it to a dozen or so episodes per season and leave viewers wanting more.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Anybody been watching Salem? I've downloaded a few episodes, but haven't even bothered yet. Wondered if I should? 

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Also, I caught the pilot of the new AMC show, Halt and Catch Fire. 7/10. Definitely give that a go. 


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How The West Was Won with Ray Mears.


Almost worth the TV licence fee alone. Some wonderful characters, great heart warming stories, jaw dropping scenery, in Mears reverential love letter to the early exploration of the USA.


Part 2 next week and I can't wait.


Bear Grylls cannot hold a candle to Mears work.

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