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Rate the last TV Show you watched

Guest Numero Veinticinco

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In the last month or so i've watched Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, Band Of Brothers and True Detective. I'm now wrestling with what to watch next, short list is





The Pacific

House Of Cards


What do you reckon?

Those shows range from decent(HOC) to excellent (Justified), but Deadwood is a staple of the golden age of TV. I think it's probably is the best show of that tier beneath The Wire, Sopranos and The Shield.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Question 1: As you know, True Detective stars Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. How many wanks have I had since Tuesday?




So, this had better be worth it.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Oh trust me, it is. Get it watched.


Also, downloading stuff is so 2012. Sort your XBMC out.


I download 'em because I keep 'em. I've got a pretty impressive library for all my films and tv shows. Cool as fuck, me.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

But you stream stuff instead of keeping? What happens if you go on a trip and want to take it with you? What happens if you're internet goes down? What if a lady friend offers you a blow job if you've got an awesome HD full of swag? 

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I have xbmc on my laptop and tablet which travel with me. Internet goes down? Haven't had my internet go off for years. Embrace it, it's the way forward. It looks even sexier now iStream is on there with all the art and info on the movies/shows etc...

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Actually, that's probably the reason I don't do it - the look. I do have it installed, I just don't use it. Not sure if it was you who I showed a picture of my video folder to, but I do all the covers n' shit. Looks pretty decent. I would switch though, if it looked as amazingly awesome as mine.

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Similar yeah, once you install iStream in your XBMC there are a few different skins but it's basically like that, click into say True Blood and it lists the seasons with the art, click into a season and each episode is on there with information on it.


It's basically an improved version of Netflix. Deffo worth installing to see what you think, only takes about 10 minutes, if that. You can see what I mean a bit more on here

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