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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Suits - 8/10


I really think the show is quality. They do need to sort out the story line, close that fucker up with Mike. But other than that, it's a right good watch.

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Just finished True Detective. Really good. Slowish to begin with but really kicked on. 9/10


Good man. McConaughey is fuckin' awesome in it.


Watching the last 5 new episodes of Suits and Brooklyn Nine Nine. It has some cringy moments, but it is superb in parts. The Captain is an ace character. Definitely recommended for anyone looking at a new comedy to try out.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

He is some actor. I said that when I first saw him in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (fuck you, I love that film).

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Good to hear. It has a great cast, the only character that bugs me a bit is the receptionist.

You mean Chelsea Peretti who plays Gina. Give her time she becomes a brilliant character. You just have to remember she is a total numpty, who thinks that she is exquisite but who has no sense of self awareness. She is particularly good in episode 16 (The Party), and episode 19 in relation to phone game.

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I'm looking forward to Fargo starting on FX in a week or so over here. It has Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman in it. Looks like a black comedy ala Coen brothers film. Should make it to Blighty, keep an eye out for it. 


I continue to watch The Blacklist with James Spader. Someone on here didn't like it (not sure who) but I think it's decent. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back for something like its 269th series, Later with Jools Holland continues its attempts to fill the gaping music-based void on on mainstream TV (well, as mainstream as Friday night at 11pm on BBC2 can be). Given the timeslot, I'm not sure why Guy Garvey seemingly wasn't allowed to sing "these fuckers" during 'Charge'. Overall, Elbow seemed more comfortable doing their own show for Radio 2 the other week.


Neneh Cherry was pretty good doing a couple of new songs along with 'Buffalo Stance'.


Also on were a mis-spelled C****** P***** name-checking act called Eagulls, who were quite loud and quite fast, though in true showing-my-age style, I found it difficult to make out (m)any of the words. Some other turns were featured, including Engelbert Humperdinck in the now-customary 'Superannuated Singer Performs With Jools Section'. 6.5/10.

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True Detective - 9/10

House of Cards (10 episodes in) - 8/10

Brooklyn Nine Nine - 8/10

Chicago Fire - 5/10 (shite but I still watch it)

Blue Bloods - 7/10

Friday Night Lights (seen them all before but have started again) - 9/10 (series 1)

The West Wing - 9/10

The Smoke - 8/10

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