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Guest Numero Veinticinco

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True detective , excellent  - 9/10

Him and her - very funny , and Dan is one of the funniest characters ever 9/10

House of cards - US version - pretty good 7.5 /10

On the last series of Justified , loved all the others  but for me this is the weakest season by far 9/10 for the first 4 series

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It's a chore, sir. 




Show me a man who wouldn't like to insert his penis into Scottie! Seriously, I'd marry that woman. I would marry her and I'd make love to her. Not just fuck her, but do all that emotional bonding shit. That's how fucking sexy she is. Also, you're right, Suits is cool as fuck. I wouldn't say it's a great show, but it definitely has aspects of enjoyable TV.


Obviously love Californication. It's about time they wrap it up, though. 

If Rachel Zane was in the room I wouldn't even notice Scottie, infact I'm not sure I'd notice her if it was only me and Scottie in the room.  Still would though but the list of women I wouldn't isn't very long.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

If Rachel Zane was in the room I wouldn't even notice Scottie, infact I'm not sure I'd notice her if it was only me and Scottie in the room.  Still would though but the list of women I wouldn't isn't very long.

You're welcome to the Zane lass. Not interested. Scottie... stunner.

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Deadwood. 8/10


Only watched this for the first time a month or so ago. Hadn't watched it originally because when it was released I was highly dubious about Lovejoy being in it and with all of the press coverage seeming to only be about the swearing in it I was expecting it to just be trash. After seeing how many on here rated it I finally buckled and discovered how wrong I was. Absolutely loved it and thought Swearengen was excellent, would have been 9 or 10 if they had carried on with it. Once I was about 3 or 4 episodes in I was already disappointed knowing they hadn't finished. 



Suits 7/10

I'm also another who likes Suits, it's a bit of a weird one. I don't think the acting is all that great and can't entirely shake the feeling that it should be shit but I just can't help liking it.



On the last series of Justified , loved all the others  but for me this is the weakest season by far 9/10 for the first 4 series


I'm with you on this, it's had some good episodes but overall it's not been brilliant. The Crowe family are a bit shit and there isn't enough Wynn Duffy and Boyd Crowder.


It's a testament to how good Walton Goggins is the way he just seems to instantly improve an episode when he has a few more scenes.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Just finished watching Banshee. Still a modern day version of an 80s action show. That's praise, because I loved that stuff.


Satisfying escapism. 8/10

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Watched the first episode of the From dusk till dawn series last night after it appeared on Netfix, looks decent enough.

Yeah, I watched that. I wanted to see more. It felt like half an episode.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Thought the guy who plays the Clooney character got the mannerisms down to a tee. Other guy was pretty good too.

You know, I can barely even remember the film. Might have to have a re-visit.

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Really enjoying Silk right now also looking forward to the new series of Law & Order UK starting tomorrow

I like Silk. I've no idea how accurate it is, which is probably a good thing, as these things upset me. Maxine Peake is very good

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Made my way through season 2 of It's Always Sunny.. yesterday. I thought the first season was ok, I planned to carry on watching, but got sidetracked with a few things. Stuck it on yesterday because I couldn't get Peep Show to work on 4od (They've removed it from Netflix) and glad I give it another go - 8/10

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Started with the American version of House of Cards yesterday, I loved the original version which I first watched when I was still at school.


I started this one yesterday morning and I'm into season 2 already, Spacey is brilliant in it and I love the way he does the little glances at camera when he isn't directly addressing the audience.


A solid 8/10 for now and with huge potential to get better.



I was disappointed they killed of Kate Mara so soon as I like her very much.


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True Detective. 9/10. Fantastic. As good as it's hyped up to be.


Going to watch either Almost Human or Helix next I think whilst I wait for Justified to end. Might give The Red Road a try as well.

I was going to start watching Almost Human but read its likely to be cancelled.

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Started with the American version of House of Cards yesterday, I loved the original version which I first watched when I was still at school.


I started this one yesterday morning and I'm into season 2 already, Spacey is brilliant in it and I love the way he does the little glances at camera when he isn't directly addressing the audience.


A solid 8/10 for now and with huge potential to get better.



I was disappointed they killed of Kate Mara so soon as I like her very much.


This is a brilliant series. I think its very similar to Boss actually and Spacey and Grammer are both great in their respective roles.
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Currently doing a rewatch of 24 seasons in preparation for the new season. Up to 5 so far.


Season 1 8/10. The first dozen episodes are awesome, then it loses its way a bit.


Season 2 Apart from the Kim Bauer nonsense, this is my favourite season. 9/10


Season 3 6/10 Starts slow and if I'm honest the Salazar and virus stuff bores me.


Season 4 9/10 By this point Jack is pretty much a bad guy and the show gives up any pretence of seriousness and becomes non stop entertainment.

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