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Roberto Firmino


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...and that's how you fap when you got a 12 incher. If you don't believe me ask Gerrard. 


For the record, if we end up being beaten by some cunt club for this fella, I'll take it personally.



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I haven't seen much of him but after watching some videos he doesn't look as good as sterling in tight areas and at linking up, his finishing looks much better though.


I've only seen him play a full game twice but as usual, as a general rule you can take whatever JP posts about a player and reverse it and be pretty close to the truth.


He's very good in tight areas from my watching.  Almost like Coutinho, a bit, in that whenever he's on the ball running at a defender you just expect Firmino to go past him.


Oh, and there's this, which would suggest he's not terrible on the ball in tight areas:



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Guest Numero Veinticinco

I've got two questions.


1) What's a 'successful dribble', because Sterling's running paid off about five times last season?

2) Is Choupo-Moting made up? Is it meant to be a joke or something because it sounds like a lurid sex act. You dirty Choupos, motting every child you see.

3) I'm surprised chupacabra isn't higher up the list, along with Ras Al Ghul.

4) Welcome, Bobby.

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I've only seen him play a full game twice but as usual, as a general rule you can take whatever JP posts about a player and reverse it and be pretty close to the truth.


He's very good in tight areas from my watching. Almost like Coutinho, a bit, in that whenever he's on the ball running at a defender you just expect Firmino to go past him.


Oh, and there's this, which would suggest he's not terrible on the ball in tight areas:



As I said I haven't seen much of him and was giving my opinion of what I saw in videos, I'm not writing him off or saying I don't want him.Against Colombia which was very recent he didn't look great in the areas I've mentioned.



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