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Brownie last won the day on May 21 2019

Brownie had the most liked content!

About Brownie

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  1. I couldn’t give a shit how Guardiola feels, fuck him, the cheating twat. My view on it has nothing to do with his personal feelings, the chant itself is just too Soccer AM for me and we are usually above that. It’s like that “who are ya, who are ya” crap and we just don’t do that at Anfield.
  2. I’m still using Kodi with the uncached torrents and it’s sound. Just one little additional step compared to before.
  3. I’ve just renewed RD as well FFS. Should have seen this coming as it’s being down a few times recently. I can still use it for now by downloading uncached torrents that have decent amount of seeders but it’s obviously less convenient to do that.
  4. Proper fight that, after the recent circus.
  5. Trump has won, get yourselves to bed and save your energy.
  6. I’d rather lose trying to win than draw trying to draw, 100%.
  7. Such a negative and moany post. Hated it. Looking forward to the next one.
  8. Yep, it’s annoying as fuck.
  9. Masterful round from Bivol. 5-4.
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