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JohnnyH last won the day on August 5 2022

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About JohnnyH

  • Birthday 08/03/1973

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  1. That’s all the lads from the podcast. Except Stu as he doesn’t do autographs (probably)
  2. Never. I never turn on managers* and never will. You genuinely won't find a single post of me calling for a manager to go** He gets this season. Almost a totally free hit to assess the players we have and start adding the talent he wants once he's run the rule over all the players he has (i.e. I'd be ok with him signing no one until January) *Obviously Hodgson doesn't count **See above re Hodgson
  3. It’s fucking shit getting old. Nothing works and shit that didn’t hurt, now hurts.
  4. Really, fucking annoyingly sore. I’ve been doing a lot of walking recently, and then walked home from the bus last night (about 2.5km) in suit shoes and now I’ve got this shit again. Just in time for a planned round of golf this morning in a competition so I can’t let others down and pull out. I’m also carrying an extra 2 stone at the moment that I have just haven’t shifted like I usually would. So all adding up to that awful achey pain in the ball of my foot. Cunt of a thing.
  5. I heard it was £298k a week plus an ebike. #ITK
  6. Yep. And it's the "it doesn't matter" rhetoric that the extremists love as that's how they get power. Project 2025 should be a call to every right-minded American (of which there is a majority, before someone says they're all dumb) to get out and vote and keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. The whole organisation around and behind Tump is now much more organised than in 2016. What they could and would implement is extremely worrying.
  7. Firstly - fuck off with making this a covid thread you fucking weirdo‘s. Second - I’m no Harris fan, but trying to suggest this extremely smart and capable woman is “dumb” stinks of the misogyny and racism that was present in the people who put together those clips. This is exactly how they try and attack woman (and particularly black woman) going for powerful positions.
  8. Exactly this. Trumps numbers won’t change. Harris now being the candidate could and should reenergise the democratic voters, which is what’s needed.
  9. The new unity candidate didn’t last long….
  10. Trump now the oldest Presidential candidate in American history. I suspect this will now get said a lot.
  11. I always think it’s weird when one of those rare moments come where you are living through an incredible moment in history that will be studied for centuries to come and on your kids and grandkids school exams. But because they are happening right now you kind of don’t appreciate the gravity of them. Worth standing back and considering that this really is a huge moment in world history.
  12. I think this is definitely the exact right point of pre season to be deciding this.
  13. I flip flop on this but usually end up hoping he stays given the whole massive talent thing.
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