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Roberto Firmino


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Guest Numero Veinticinco

I would never have even heard of him but for posts from yourself and a few others over the last couple of years saying we should sign him (apologies if he wasn't one of yours, I know I've seen his name on here a lot and thought you were one banging the drum for him).


So, leaving aside the probability we won't sign him, can you fill me in on him by answering my questions in the previous post?

Sorry, bud, I didn't see it. Yeah, he's a player. He's a very attacking midfielder in the way that Bergkamp used to play it (not likening the two). I've not watched much of him over the last few months, but he's a player. He'll be able to pick up the positions that Suarez did. Putting him and Coutinho behind a striker, or as a three with another player, would just rip shit teams apart.

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I've never seen this cat play, not even watched any youtube clips of him (although I'm just about to). When people say he's an attacking midfielder, are we talking a number 10 or someone who can play in a midfield three as the box to box guy? Can he play wide in front three or a 4-2-3-1?


Struggling to see where he fits in with Coutinho and maybe Lallana too, as ideally I wouldn't want either of those two playing wide.


If he can play to a good level as a striker then that's where I'd probably want to see him.

No 10 I would've thought. I watched Hoffenheim a couple of times just to see this guy.

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Sorry, bud, I didn't see it. Yeah, he's a player. He's a very attacking midfielder in the way that Bergkamp used to play it (not likening the two). I've not watched much of him over the last few months, but he's a player. He'll be able to pick up the positions that Suarez did. Putting him and Coutinho behind a striker, or as a three with another player, would just rip shit teams apart.


So in a three but not really playing wide? 


It's going to be fascinating seeing how we line up next season as I don't think any of us have a clue what formation we're going to be playing. I just hope Rodgers does.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

So in a three but not really playing wide? 


It's going to be fascinating seeing how we line up next season as I don't think any of us have a clue what formation we're going to be playing. I just hope Rodgers does.

I suspect it'll be pretty fluid. I really hope Rodgers can turn things around, because although he clearly made errors the damage was done last summer - everything else was a consequence or a reaction to that. I think the players we're being linked with, especially Firmino and Bacca, are the right sort. Ol' Milner will offer some leadership, Ings will boost the squad at worst and be a better player for us than Lambert or Borini, even though they had their own merits once upon a time.


After a bit of a break from football, I think I'm a bit more positive about things.

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Or, as another way of saying it, "You divven't sweat much for a fat lass."

Lol. He looked to have a free role at Hoffenheim roaming about behind the striker. He looked pretty good, but then again I thought Demba Ba was the next Eto'o, and I wanted us to get Ibisevic, so I don't fully trust my own judgment of Hoffenheim players.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

In parallel universe in which this could be possible, I'd expect Sterling to move on quickly after he signed for their Liverpool.

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