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Roberto Firmino


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I thought he was boss today. Did a couple of his “give the ball away sloppily in a really dangerous place” things that he does, but that aside he worked his bollocks off, linked play brilliantly, was always available and ran them ragged. Great performance.

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Roberto Firmino and Fabinho were delighted to return to Anfield on Monday night and reacquaint themselves with their former Liverpool teammates.


The Brazilian duo were back on Merseyside to watch the Reds defeat Newcastle United 4-2 and establish a three-point lead at the top of the Premier League.


It represented their first visit to L4 since they both departed the club this past summer.


"I'm very happy to be back here at home, at Liverpool and the stadium as well, Anfield,"

Firmino told Liverpoolfc.com. "I'm very grateful to God for bringing me these moments again, to watch the game. Of course I'm not playing but I watch the game and see the boys.


"It's always emotional [to be here], you cannot forget you were here. We had a very good history here at the club that we achieved together and nobody can claim this history, it's already in the history [books]. We are here to support."





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5 minutes ago, Kevin D said:


Roberto Firmino and Fabinho were delighted to return to Anfield on Monday night and reacquaint themselves with their former Liverpool teammates.


The Brazilian duo were back on Merseyside to watch the Reds defeat Newcastle United 4-2 and establish a three-point lead at the top of the Premier League.


It represented their first visit to L4 since they both departed the club this past summer.


"I'm very happy to be back here at home, at Liverpool and the stadium as well, Anfield,"

Firmino told Liverpoolfc.com. "I'm very grateful to God for bringing me these moments again, to watch the game. Of course I'm not playing but I watch the game and see the boys.


"It's always emotional [to be here], you cannot forget you were here. We had a very good history here at the club that we achieved together and nobody can claim this history, it's already in the history [books]. We are here to support."







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