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RedKnight last won the day on August 31 2014

RedKnight had the most liked content!

About RedKnight

  • Birthday 21/07/1981

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. RP has, and always will be, a fucking moron.
  2. Ticketmaster do that shit all the time with the tickets.
  3. It properly shook the crowd in Cardiff when a rogue camera shot showed that were loads of monitors in the stage with all the lyrics on. Guy's in his 70s, you can't expect him to remember everything.
  4. Sale for 13+ members started at 8:15 this morning, it had crashed by 9 and has now been suspended until 11. Fucking useless, not fit for purpose motherfuckers.
  5. Truly one of the greats. Lost in the great content shuffle.
  6. It's not Stoke. It's Ashfield, near Mansfield. It's either him or an independent who's also a massive prick.
  7. She knows how to put on a show. She was brilliant, 3 hours did not feel like it.
  8. Nah it's sound, going tomorrow.
  9. Let us know the situation, mate.
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