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  1. Sour cunts on here, that was great.
  2. This Enzo stuff at Chelsea is a bit mad, it's probably the most open and shut case of racism in 20 years. Chelsea seemingly have been allowed to deal with internally. The FA have banned the likes of Harvey for silly comments from donkeys years ago yet Chelsea can just suspend Enzo from the Milan game in California and all is good. Small educational course thrown in for good measure. The punishment should be a multiples of what Suarez got.
  3. Missed this at the time. Certainly changes my perception of Annie.
  4. Can they even pay 777? Would 777's creditors not try and stop that? There is no guarantee that the 200m reaches ACap which then finds its way to Leadenhall. If the 200m was cleared, banks and other more secured creditors would have most of it swallowed up before it got anywhere near ACap or Leadenhall. A story so beautiful Bill could have turned into a play.
  5. Israel, like any other country has the right to defend itself and there is nothing wrong with American support in that. Everything Harris said in that press conference was a direct contradiction of what Netanyahu said the day previously. That man lies so easily. Supporting Israel and been made look a mug is a balancing act she's going to need go address.
  6. In my last job we used to sell into a shop in Newcastle. I can't remember the details but the lady that owned it had somehow been asked to mind jewellery in her safe for Kieran Dyer. It was worth a couple of hundred thousand and she was convinced he'd forgotten about it, he was long gone from Newcastle at that stage.
  7. At what point does the context stop mattering? If he's in a cell 4 hours after breaking her nose, 2 weeks, a month? There has to be a cut off.
  8. I'd planned on ignoring all of preseason and all interviews but I watched that. Rightly or wrongly Slots interviews before he was appointed annoyed me, I thought he was a bit mouthy. I liked the cut of his jib there, very forceful in telling journos to fuck off. Said all the right things.
  9. Ireland look like they were robbed in the rugby 7s, looked a clear as day knock on for the winning score.
  10. It's fine, food have been phrased better but he's not knifing anyone in the back.
  11. Bordeaux have folded. Sad to see but can probably be traced back to the day Qatari money appeared in French football.
  12. Is there anyone in the history of football that fulfilled their potential after the type and quantity of injuries Gordon has had? Sorry to be cruel to him but he's done.
  13. Drink, drugs, testosterone etc are usually in play in the scenario you describe. That copper has literally no excuse, if he wanted to take revenge he should have done it in the act of slamming him to the ground. Once he's helpless he has no zero excuses, he should be jailed.
  14. I've seen Starmer on multiple occasions say he wants his MP's ready to go on day 1. The first 2 weeks stuff is disingenuous, they have known they would be in power for 100/200/300 days, they are playing politics with starving kids.
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