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Israel - A Rant


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BREAKING: Bloodthirsty Bibi, Israel's chief war criminal, has accused Iran of lying over the nuclear deal and claims to have proof that they've been continuing a nuclear armaments programme.


Wasn't the last proof a drawing of a bomb with a red line drawn on it in permanent marker?


All this with John Bolton, who recently promised regime change in Iran by the end of 2018, advising Trump.



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You might be forgetting that people on here actually read what you've written about these things. Ah well...


Not at all. I hope they do read what I've written, and then they'll know that I condemn the excessive use of force whenever it is used.


When I was younger, people were obsessed by South Africa. Obviously, there were brutal tyrannies all over the world, then as now, but there's just something about Apartheid that boils the piss of decent people.

Yeah, but the black majority didn't hold the genocide of the white minority as an article of faith, did they.

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No, it's only about two thirds of Palestinians. And nowhere did I say it was okay to kill people who aren't posing a clear danger.

You've tried to justify it by putting the Israeli line that they were genocidal Hamas terrorists storming a border fence.


You've only criticised the killing of innocent, unarmed civilians on tactical- not moral - grounds.


(And that "two thirds" statistic, did you get that from the reliable impartial source that claimed that most of the murdered Palestinians were Hamas?)

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You've tried to justify it by putting the Israeli line that they were genocidal Hamas terrorists storming a border fence.


You've only criticised the killing of innocent, unarmed civilians on tactical- not moral - grounds.

Mitigation is not justification. I've seen what happens when a fox gets inside a chicken coop. I certainly won't justify hens killing any fox that gets within 100 yards of the coop, but I do understand it.


(And that "two thirds" statistic, did you get that from the reliable impartial source that claimed that most of the murdered Palestinians were Hamas?)

No, it comes from a variety of surveys by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research on support for terrorist attacks against Israel.

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Mitigation is not justification. I've seen what happens when a fox gets inside a chicken coop. I certainly won't justify hens killing any fox that gets within 100 yards of the coop, but I do understand it.



No, it comes from a variety of surveys by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research on support for terrorist attacks against Israel.

This isn't anything that Israeli ministers like Ayelet Shaked aren't saying themselves.


Plus, one side is expressing a desire to kill. Whilst the other side is actually stacking up quite a large body count. I know which one I believe to be more deserving of criticism.

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Mitigation is not justification. I've seen what happens when a fox gets inside a chicken coop. I certainly won't justify hens killing any fox that gets within 100 yards of the coop, but I do understand it.


Hens and foxes?  Ouch.

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Mitigation is not justification. I've seen what happens when a fox gets inside a chicken coop. I certainly won't justify hens killing any fox that gets within 100 yards of the coop, but I do understand it.



No, it comes from a variety of surveys by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research on support for terrorist attacks against Israel.

Great. The much-vaunted "only democracy in the region" has a moral compass that swings from "Chicago mob" to "marauding fox". You're happy to "understand" their violence; any chance you could spare some of that understanding for the unarmed Palestinian protesters being shot at - or are they just a little too, y'know, Arab-y for your taste?


And you assume that support for attacks against Israel is the same as support for genocide? Batshit bullshit.

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Great. The much-vaunted "only democracy in the region" has a moral compass that swings from "Chicago mob" to "marauding fox". You're happy to "understand" their violence; any chance you could spare some of that understanding for the unarmed Palestinian protesters being shot at - or are they just a little too, y'know, Arab-y for your taste?

To some extent I understand it, because they are undoubtedly oppressed by Israel, but it's hard to overlook the fact that they want to set up a misogynistic homophobic theocracy of a state.


Let's see some Palestinian pro-democracy campaigners, I could really get behind them.

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To some extent I understand it, because they are undoubtedly oppressed by Israel, but it's hard to overlook the fact that they want to set up a misogynistic homophobic theocracy of a state.


Let's see some Palestinian pro-democracy campaigners, I could really get behind them.

You'reseeing all Palestinians through the prism Israel wants you to see them. You're choosing to side with the state that you concede is undoubtedly oppressive.
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There is a slight point to what SD is saying though. If you're going to criticise capital-imperialist hegemony you can't just single out a small pawn state surrounded by enemies. It would be like deriding Cuba for how they do communism when they're a tiny country suffering from enemies and sanctions on all sides. The problem is bigger than Israel and is the entire Global North that sees the rest of the world as a quarry and cheap labour. Hopefully China can grow and return some element of communism to their state capitalism to put a break on imperialism's excesses. Not that it would matter because the poor in all nations will still be getting screwed.



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So we're taking Israel's word on Iran's nuclear programme now?


Ok mad hatter, whatever you say!


Vested interests you say? Have their own nuclear weapons you say?



BBC reporting that the UK are "standing by" the deal.


Unfortunately, Cadet Bonespurs doesn't understand the deal and listens to psycho, anti-Iranian warmongers and liars like Pompeo and Bolton, instead of listening to facts and reason.

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The Israeli housing minister, Yoav Galant, one of several ministers to denounce the legislation, said he considered it “de facto Holocaust denial”, adding: “The memory of six million [Jews murdered in the Holocaust] is stronger than any law.”



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