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s(k)aturation last won the day on June 10 2023

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    : Acton High St
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  1. Whatever happened to the great, one-punch KO deliverers, eh?
  2. Oh well, if next season turns out to be a shitshow, at least there was this.
  3. Fair enough. I also think this proves the issue is with the individual cuntery of people. None of this is "England's" fault. See, I think of England as a lovely old pub, or intriguing history, a beer, a laugh, Sports Report at 5pm on a Saturday... all of which include shite like bad politicians, Manchester United etc... Part of what makes Liverpool what it is... is the Us vs Them. And you need the "Them". I think it's what makes England interesting and even loveable. But, I'm an "outsider". Of course.
  4. It's just that you've been banging on for days about this. It makes it seem like you are quite a bit arsed.
  5. I don't especially like the Australian cricket team. Do I win 5 pounds, CT?
  6. I'm not overly fussed. The rubbery round steaks with a nice runny fried egg are nice enough. Mind you, most things are nice with a nice runny fried egg.
  7. Red and Yellow night in the Republic of Liverpool. Scousque Separatists.
  8. The fumes have A Red plume about them.
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