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Israel - A Rant


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Palestine has declared itself a separate state, so it's a border. Pretty straightforward.

Israel and Palestine have long since agreed a "two-state solution". Ever since the agreement, Israel has worked against its implementation by taking criminal actions - the siege of Gaza, the Wall, the Settler programme, etc. - to ensure that no Palestinian state is ever allowed to exist.


I'm pretty sure that I've been on protest marches which involve small acts of civil disobedience, such as a symbolic march across a fence that shouldn't be there. We were able to do this because the UK, for all its flaws, is not a racist terrorist state that murders protestors.

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Really? From where I'm sitting, our politicians seem more keen to criticise this "crime against humanity" than any of the few thousand other crimes against humanity that happened yesterday.

Did you miss the various Commons debates on Yemen? Or the ongoing criticism of Burma over the Rohingya crisis? Or the politicians speaking out against Turkey's attack on Kurds in Syria? Or the international outcry against the attacks in Eastern Ghouta? etc.
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Did you miss the various Commons debates on Yemen? Or the ongoing criticism of Burma over the Rohingya crisis? Or the politicians speaking out against Turkey's attack on Kurds in Syria? Or the international outcry against the attacks in Eastern Ghouta? etc.

I certainly missed politicians commenting on those things outside obscure Commons debates. And of course, I missed the 50+ page threads on those things on here. People are obsessed by Israel. It's so random.

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I certainly missed politicians commenting on those things outside obscure Commons debates. And of course, I missed the 50+ page threads on those things on here. People are obsessed by Israel. It's so random.

It isn't random. The ways that the UK and US were involved in the creation and support of Israel, and that they are a nuclear armed superpower in breach of more international laws than all other nations put together, and further still are a major thorn in the side of peace in the region.


Even if it was random, so what? It's almost as if you are trying to say that because it's random people should care less. It's a strange point that you've made a few times on here. Get over it, people are interested. You've either hot an opinion on it or you don't. I'd suggest it's a better use of your time to concentrate on the subject than wondering what all the fuss is about.

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Of course they're a thorn in the side of peace in the region, they're the only Jewish state and only democracy amidst a bunch of Islamic dictatorships. A state that gives human rights to women and gays and atheists is going to stick out like a sore thumb among that lot.


People are free to care about whatever they like, and similarly, people are free to draw conclusions from the disproportionate attention being paid to Israel's transgressions than anyone else's.

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Of course they're a thorn in the side of peace in the region, they're the only Jewish state and only democracy amidst a bunch of Islamic dictatorships. A state that gives human rights to women and gays and atheists is going to stick out like a sore thumb among that lot.


People are free to care about whatever they like, and similarly, people are free to draw conclusions from the disproportionate attention being paid to Israel's transgressions than anyone else's.

Considering your views on people not speaking out against things being in tacit support of them, would you say it is fair to conclude that your reluctance to speak out against Israel's crimes means you support them?

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I certainly missed politicians commenting on those things outside obscure Commons debates. And of course, I missed the 50+ page threads on those things on here. People are obsessed by Israel. It's so random.

When I was younger, people were obsessed by South Africa. Obviously, there were brutal tyrannies all over the world, then as now, but there's just something about Apartheid that boils the piss of decent people.
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Even if it was random, so what? It's almost as if you are trying to say that because it's random people should care less. It's a strange point that you've made a few times on here. Get over it, people are interested. You've either hot an opinion on it or you don't. I'd suggest it's a better use of your time to concentrate on the subject than wondering what all the fuss is about.

I'll come out and say it because he's too snide and slippery to be blunt and honest; he thinks we single out Israel for criticism because we're a massive shower of anti-Semitic cunts.
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There is a slight point to what SD is saying though. If you're going to criticise capital-imperialist hegemony you can't just single out a small pawn state surrounded by enemies. It would be like deriding Cuba for how they do communism when they're a tiny country suffering from enemies and sanctions on all sides. The problem is bigger than Israel and is the entire Global North that sees the rest of the world as a quarry and cheap labour. Hopefully China can grow and return some element of communism to their state capitalism to put a break on imperialism's excesses. Not that it would matter because the poor in all nations will still be getting screwed.

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