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Israel - A Rant


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He's right about the Polish law being Holocaust denial, though; anti-Semitic as fuck, that is.

How is it holocaust denial? It’s a fucking tourist attraction in Poland, to show people the holocaust locations.


As weird as Poland’s law is, it’s not offensive, and even if it was it’s none of Israel’s fucking business.

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How is it holocaust denial? It’s a fucking tourist attraction in Poland, to show people the holocaust locations.


As weird as Poland’s law is, it’s not offensive, and even if it was it’s none of Israel’s fucking business.

It's denying an important aspect of the Holocaust. If you don’t like the therm "Holocaust denial" let's call it "Holocaust rewriting".


The reason for studying history is to avoid doing the same shit twice. If you lie about history, then you'll never learn anything.

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Didn't the Russians just pass a law making it illegal to accuse the Red Army having gone on the rampage and raped there way through Germany in the dying days of the war?


Seem to remember Anthony Beevor saying he was getting shit for some of his books on the subject

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I was thinking a library of identities.


Can’t see why you’d be against Pew, they ask, people answer. Obviously the answers may be inconvenient so you ignore. All of you.

It’s generally because they give people the options of simple answers to complex questions. Said answers are then used by some as proof that those people are obviously simpletons.

Not always, some of their surveys and reports are ok.

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Didn't the Russians just pass a law making it illegal to accuse the Red Army having gone on the rampage and raped there way through Germany in the dying days of the war?


Seem to remember Anthony Beevor saying he was getting shit for some of his books on the subject

If true, fine.


Their country, their history revision.


I don’t recall my history lessons at school being too heavy on the atrocities we dealt out over the centuries either.

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If true, fine.


Their country, their history revision.


I don’t recall my history lessons at school being too heavy on the atrocities we dealt out over the centuries either.



You can't imagine Israeli school kids being taught the facts about what their leaders and army are doing either. 

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It’s generally because they give people the options of simple answers to complex questions. Said answers are then used by some as proof that those people are obviously simpletons.

Not always, some of their surveys and reports are ok.

That’s just bollocks. Do you think homosexuality should be punished by death? Well, it’s complex.

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To some extent I understand it, because they are undoubtedly oppressed by Israel, but it's hard to overlook the fact that they want to set up a misogynistic homophobic theocracy of a state.


Let's see some Palestinian pro-democracy campaigners, I could really get behind them.


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From Israel’s education minister: “anyone who approached the fence would be considered a terrorist.” A real sad state of affair. The cry of “the only democracy in the Middle East” rings hollow in times like this.

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