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Family Strife


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7 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:


Even when you're in the right you never win.

Yep - you get proved right and them out of order and it’s ‘yeah, don’t fucking go on about it’ 

You get proved wrong and ‘going on about it’ is the only thing that’s on the menu for the next week, and brought up in future arguments.

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2 minutes ago, Geoff Woade said:

Yep - you get proved right and them out of order and it’s ‘yeah, don’t fucking go on about it’ 

You get proved wrong and ‘going on about it’ is the only thing that’s on the menu for the next week, and brought up in future arguments.

Only for the next week?

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15 hours ago, YorkshireRed said:

I’m currently in dispute with the wife. I’m 60% responsible for the turmoil but it might as well be 100%. No matter who’s really to blame, I’m always to blame. 

Sometimes I wish I’d stayed single.


Then I remember that, if I had, I’d be dead. 

I’d probably be to blame for that as well. 

Oh shit, she read the blog, didn’t she?

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  • 2 months later...
On 20/11/2021 at 07:11, Bruce Spanner said:


It's bleak, getting on for six years now, they've never met any of mine or my brothers kids.


The only hope is that by the time they're old enough to act for themselves they haven't been too broken by a neglectful, almost resentful, useless fucking mother and her deadleg boyfriend who views them as a massive inconvienence.


She's had two more kids, that we know of, in the time since we last spoke and I guarentee their lot is as bleak as my niece and nephews.


My sister is a broken little girl who believes the world owes her a favour and that will never change.

Social services got in touch with my mum last week to arrange a meeting between her and the kids.


Turns out things have been worse than imagined and they’re stepping in to bridge relationships. 


I FaceTimed them about an hour back I I can’t stop smiling, with tears steaming down my face, at seeing them smiling and knowing I can make plans with and for them again, as can my mother.


Fuck, life is a cunt at times.

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Had to come on for a little vent, apologies if this comes across as pathetic or narcissistic!


As some of you may know my arl girl has Alzheimer's. She was only diagnosed in February this year, 2 years after we were told she only had Mild Cognitive Impairment and would likely not get any worse!


Well she has! She's a shell of the woman who brought me up, she's lost loads of weight, she shuffles now rather than walks, she doesn't remember who me or my sister (who is a fucking legend by the way who does most of the caring for my mum even though she's busy enough bringing up 5 year old twins), she thinks our dad (her husband of almost 49 years) is her dad, and joy of joys she is now doubly incontinent!


Dad is nearly 90, and he's far too frail to look after her on his own. He keeps complaining to us about his own ailments (which he's perfectly entitled to do at his age) yet every time my sister or me mention getting carers in to help out he gets a face on, tells us it's too expensive for carers, and that he can cope!


My sister called in on them earlier after dad told her on the phone mum had had an  'accident'. He told her he'd cleaned mum and the house up and there was no need for my sister to go around, but she wasn't falling for it.


When she got there it was fucking everywhere, all over the living room, the kitchen, and poor mum was covered in it. Soft lad says to my sister was there any need for her to come around, he thought he'd got it all!


Why is he being such a stubborn old cunt? I know people have their pride, but has he not thought about mum having some dignity?


We've come to the conclusion between us that mum hasn't got long left as the dementia seems to progress daily, and she's having other health issues (low Blood Pressure, recurrent infections etc), and we're now going to have to broach the subject with him of her going into residential care. We already know what he's going to say, but there comes a point where we're just going to have to overrule him!


Families, wreck your sanity!

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8 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Had to come on for a little vent, apologies if this comes across as pathetic or narcissistic!


As some of you may know my arl girl has Alzheimer's. She was only diagnosed in February this year, 2 years after we were told she only had Mild Cognitive Impairment and would likely not get any worse!


Well she has! She's a shell of the woman who brought me up, she's lost loads of weight, she shuffles now rather than walks, she doesn't remember who me or my sister (who is a fucking legend by the way who does most of the caring for my mum even though she's busy enough bringing up 5 year old twins), she thinks our dad (her husband of almost 49 years) is her dad, and joy of joys she is now doubly incontinent!


Dad is nearly 90, and he's far too frail to look after her on his own. He keeps complaining to us about his own ailments (which he's perfectly entitled to do at his age) yet every time my sister or me mention getting carers in to help out he gets a face on, tells us it's too expensive for carers, and that he can cope!


My sister called in on them earlier after dad told her on the phone mum had had an  'accident'. He told her he'd cleaned mum and the house up and there was no need for my sister to go around, but she wasn't falling for it.


When she got there it was fucking everywhere, all over the living room, the kitchen, and poor mum was covered in it. Soft lad says to my sister was there any need for her to come around, he thought he'd got it all!


Why is he being such a stubborn old cunt? I know people have their pride, but has he not thought about mum having some dignity?


We've come to the conclusion between us that mum hasn't got long left as the dementia seems to progress daily, and she's having other health issues (low Blood Pressure, recurrent infections etc), and we're now going to have to broach the subject with him of her going into residential care. We already know what he's going to say, but there comes a point where we're just going to have to overrule him!


Families, wreck your sanity!

Chin up, big man.


It only gets worse from here and that’s a humans lot.


A brief spring of youth followed by toil and breakdown.


But not one moment of it should be ever taken for granted, we are here by a million to one chance and we have, and will know, existence, many along the evolutionary chain didn’t.


Love and stuff to you and yours.



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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Chin up, big man.


It only gets worse from here and that’s a humans lot.


A brief spring of youth followed by toil and breakdown.


But not one moment of it should be ever taken for granted, we are here by a million to one chance and we have, and will know, existence, many along the evolutionary chain didn’t.


Love and stuff to you and yours.



Same goes both ways mate.

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  • 1 month later...

Bint arrived at her mums (HI's sister) yesterday to attend the funeral of a friend of hers. Surprised she had any.


Anyway, in showing due respect to her lost mate she rang HI up and tried to sell her a dodgy iPad. Seems wanker has 'obtained' some through 'someone he knows'.


Bound to be knocked off. Fucking clueless, classless bint.

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On 26/06/2022 at 01:00, Creator Supreme said:

Had to come on for a little vent, apologies if this comes across as pathetic or narcissistic!


As some of you may know my arl girl has Alzheimer's. She was only diagnosed in February this year, 2 years after we were told she only had Mild Cognitive Impairment and would likely not get any worse!


Well she has! She's a shell of the woman who brought me up, she's lost loads of weight, she shuffles now rather than walks, she doesn't remember who me or my sister (who is a fucking legend by the way who does most of the caring for my mum even though she's busy enough bringing up 5 year old twins), she thinks our dad (her husband of almost 49 years) is her dad, and joy of joys she is now doubly incontinent!


Dad is nearly 90, and he's far too frail to look after her on his own. He keeps complaining to us about his own ailments (which he's perfectly entitled to do at his age) yet every time my sister or me mention getting carers in to help out he gets a face on, tells us it's too expensive for carers, and that he can cope!


My sister called in on them earlier after dad told her on the phone mum had had an  'accident'. He told her he'd cleaned mum and the house up and there was no need for my sister to go around, but she wasn't falling for it.


When she got there it was fucking everywhere, all over the living room, the kitchen, and poor mum was covered in it. Soft lad says to my sister was there any need for her to come around, he thought he'd got it all!


Why is he being such a stubborn old cunt? I know people have their pride, but has he not thought about mum having some dignity?


We've come to the conclusion between us that mum hasn't got long left as the dementia seems to progress daily, and she's having other health issues (low Blood Pressure, recurrent infections etc), and we're now going to have to broach the subject with him of her going into residential care. We already know what he's going to say, but there comes a point where we're just going to have to overrule him!


Families, wreck your sanity!

Yeah so much of that chimes with me, my old man would live in squalor and get agitated when I'd clean up, tell him to have a shower or wash his dishes. I guess even when you're  older it's hard to take your children telling you how to do anything. 


A mate's parents have both got major health issues. After the dad had a pacemaker fitted and got home from the hospital, first thing his wife did was make him a full English. 


The mum has COPD and needs an oxygen tank at home and can't really walk outdoors. So her husband buys her fags for her. 

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4 hours ago, Remmie said:

Yeah so much of that chimes with me, my old man would live in squalor and get agitated when I'd clean up, tell him to have a shower or wash his dishes. I guess even when you're  older it's hard to take your children telling you how to do anything. 


A mate's parents have both got major health issues. After the dad had a pacemaker fitted and got home from the hospital, first thing his wife did was make him a full English. 


The mum has COPD and needs an oxygen tank at home and can't really walk outdoors. So her husband buys her fags for her. 

I must admit I smiled at that Rem, stubborn sods aren't they? There was a bloke used to live by mum and dad who has had somewhere between 5 and 7 heart attacks (he was unresponsive and effectively dead for half an hour after one of them) and you'd still see him smoking rollies when he was walking the dog!


As far as I know he's still alive (they moved about 10 years back), but fuck knows how!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Off to a 100th birthday bash this afternoon. (not mine, no laughing at the back). It's a great auntie of Her Indoors who I have named 'the black widow'. Three or four hubbies have gone before her.


I am under strict instructions not to use her 'nickname' though'

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Me mum went through a phase of shitting herself in public recently, including in my car while I was driving her for a brew. She went through loads of tests which showed no problems and she's now stopped. My uncle (her brother) is convinced she was doing it for attention.


Also recently found out from him that the fella she moved into our house when I was seven, who she'd met while he was in Wakefield high security nick, was questioned in our house by CID about the suspected rape and murder of an old woman.


My sister recently got her first ever job at the age of 27 as a cleaner. I was saying how proud I was of her and how this was the start of a new life, but she's quit already claiming sexual harassment (almost certainly a lie).


How's your family doing?

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I’ve simply stopped speaking to my mum and dad. It’s much easier that way. They add nothing worthwhile to my life and I’m already thinking about the inevitable funeral costs that I’ll be landed with. 

To be fair to my ma, she texts on my birthday and Xmas day, but never on any of the kids birthdays or special days, etc. 

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I'm the same with my sister and her family even though we haven't spoke in over 10 years , it might be more I'm not counting she just can't keep her nose out of mine and my lads buisness.

Her latest bit of poison is telling my brother we robbed him blind over a holiday we had in April even though myself  and my lad  subsidised the insurance to the tune of £40 each , his was way more expensive than ours as he suffers from leg trouble and my lad knocked £500 off the bill for all the help my brother has given him .

But if you listen to her its us ripping him off even though when they went out my brother in law reminded him that he still owed my niece 20 pence from the last time they went out .

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37 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

I’ve simply stopped speaking to my mum and dad. It’s much easier that way. They add nothing worthwhile to my life and I’m already thinking about the inevitable funeral costs that I’ll be landed with. 

To be fair to my ma, she texts on my birthday and Xmas day, but never on any of the kids birthdays or special days, etc. 

Must be difficult that mate but sounds like you are doing the right thing.

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Just now, Captain Turdseye said:

Not difficult at all, mate. I can be a cold bastard too. I hadn’t even thought about either of them for weeks until I saw this thread pop up. I’ve got my own life to be getting on with. 

Yep. It's weird, society and maybe even genetics tells you family should be kept close, but sometimes your experiences are such that you have to fight that feeling. It can be hard, subconsciously even if not consciously, but sometimes you need to just cut that cord to literally survive. Blood isn't thicker than water. I learned that the hard way.

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59 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Me mum went through a phase of shitting herself in public recently, including in my car while I was driving her for a brew. She went through loads of tests which showed no problems and she's now stopped. My uncle (her brother) is convinced she was doing it for attention.


Also recently found out from him that the fella she moved into our house when I was seven, who she'd met while he was in Wakefield high security nick, was questioned in our house by CID about the suspected rape and murder of an old woman.


My sister recently got her first ever job at the age of 27 as a cleaner. I was saying how proud I was of her and how this was the start of a new life, but she's quit already claiming sexual harassment (almost certainly a lie).


How's your family doing?


Certainly not ideal, but I always chuckle at how little you think of your sister.

"She just came back from holiday in Wuhan and is claiming to have some unknown virus. Funny how this is her week to clean the house, the lazy cow"


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1 hour ago, tokyojoe said:

Off to a 100th birthday bash this afternoon. (not mine, no laughing at the back). It's a great auntie of Her Indoors who I have named 'the black widow'. Three or four hubbies have gone before her.


I am under strict instructions not to use her 'nickname' though'

Stringvest being your birds great auntie is a shock if I'm honest 

3 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

Not difficult at all, mate. I can be a cold bastard too. I hadn’t even thought about either of them for weeks until I saw this thread pop up. I’ve got my own life to be getting on with. 

We can't choose our family mate. I'm completely different to most of my family, I just don't get them at all. Moving away when young probably did that but the snide backstabbing two faced behaviour of some of them makes my blood boil so I rarely bother. 


Bristol City have just gone 1 up against Cardiff. 




Anyway my brothers missus is getting induced at 4pm today so I'm about to become an uncle for the second time later. Can't wait. His missus does my fucking head in. 

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