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Family Strife


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Saw me dad at a funeral yesterday for the second time since I was two, the last time being when I was 17 at another funeral.


All he said to me was 'what car are you driving?'. Bizarre.


He was driving his Mrs's big PIP mobile. 


I'd taken my mum and it was the first time I've ever seen them in the same place. He was gummy and bald despite only being about 64 and dressed like a kid, bomber jacket and MC Hammer pants.


My mum was acting like a kid like she was having a day out. I had to shush her as she was saying stuff about people in the service like 'hasn't she put weight on?'.


It's like they were my kids, simple kids at that. Genes eh. What's it all about.


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27 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Saw me dad at a funeral yesterday for the second time since I was two, the last time being when I was 17 at another funeral.


All he said to me was 'what car are you driving?'. Bizarre.


He was driving his Mrs's big PIP mobile. 


I'd taken my mum and it was the first time I've ever seen them in the same place. He was gummy and bald despite only being about 64 and dressed like a kid, bomber jacket and MC Hammer pants.


My mum was acting like a kid like she was having a day out. I had to shush her as she was saying stuff about people in the service like 'hasn't she put weight on?'.


It's like they were my kids, simple kids at that. Genes eh. What's it all about.


Couldn't ever comprehend having a kid and never bothering with him/her. Even if the kid hated me I'd still want to know if they were OK or where they lived etc. 


Shit situation for you and a pretty odd way for him to make conversation.

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4 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Couldn't ever comprehend having a kid and never bothering with him/her. Even if the kid hated me I'd still want to know if they were OK or where they lived etc. 


Shit situation for you and a pretty odd way for him to make conversation.

Yeah it kind of goes against nature I think to not bother with your kid, I think there must be something up with the wiring.


That's kind of what he's like though to be honest, and most of the others. He always fancied himself as a budding musician and heartbreaker, but to my knowledge he's never had a job and never left Speke.


In my experience it's often the people with the least that are the most snobbish about possessions. Mrs is a teacher and sees it all the time. There was a kid in her class who wasn't allowed to wear his coat in the playground in case it got dirty as it was so expensive, but would frequently come to school hungry.


That's the kind of stock from whence the old man comes. I've got about seven half brothers and sisters by all accounts. 


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A woman I work with has an absolute crank for a daughter. She has 4 kids all by different fathers. She is 34 and her last kids father is 18. 


In the past she's stolen her Mums credit card and spent all kinds, dumped two of her kids on her and fucked off to Ibiza without telling her because she was "stressed". Accused her stepdad of being a paedo and noncing up one of her kids which was proven to be a complete lie. She's had more fights than Evander Holyfield and crashed more cars than the Butcher family in Eastenders. 


Total and utter crank yet her Mum still panders to her every whim.

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11 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah it kind of goes against nature I think to not bother with your kid, I think there must be something up with the wiring.


That's kind of what he's like though to be honest, and most of the others. He always fancied himself as a budding musician and heartbreaker, but to my knowledge he's never had a job and never left Speke.


In my experience it's often the people with the least that are the most snobbish about possessions. Mrs is a teacher and sees it all the time. There was a kid in her class who wasn't allowed to wear his coat in the playground in case it got dirty as it was so expensive, but would frequently come to school hungry.


That's the kind of stock from whence the old man comes. I've got about seven half brothers and sisters by all accounts. 


Just weird, not having any guilt or anything for not bothering or contributing to your life in any way. I bet you just wanted to tell him to fuck off. 


One lad I knew got some girl pregnant after a one night stand. She wouldn't let him see his daughter for ages and even moved away to Leeds yet he'd be up there as much as possible and used to drive up there on Christmas Day early to give her presents when she woke up. 

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3 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Just weird, not having any guilt or anything for not bothering or contributing to your life in any way. I bet you just wanted to tell him to fuck off. 


One lad I knew got some girl pregnant after a one night stand. She wouldn't let him see his daughter for ages and even moved away to Leeds yet he'd be up there as much as possible and used to drive up there on Christmas Day early to give her presents when she woke up. 

Nah I genuinely have no ill-feeling to him at all, I'm indifferent. My granddad filled that role for me and filled it brilliantly. He could fix anything, picked me up from school when I was sick, always came to sports day with a bottle of juice, and when he worked in the railway used to stand outside the signal box in Garston every morning and wave to me when I was on the way past going to school.


All my happiest childhood memories involve him.

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7 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Nah I genuinely have no ill-feeling to him at all, I'm indifferent. My granddad filled that role for me and filled it brilliantly. He could fix anything, picked me up from school when I was sick, always came to sports day with a bottle of juice, and when he worked in the railway used to stand outside the signal box in Garston every morning and wave to me when I was on the way past going to school.


All my happiest childhood memories involve him.

You turned out ok despite your parents and because of your grandparents. 

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One of my brother in laws has a kid he's never seen. Bird he was with got pregnant when they lived down south, he was made up, asked her to marry him. She told him no, and then told him he would never have a role in his child's life.


He tried to get in touch when the kid was young, but he could find no trace of her or the kid. My ma in law has one picture of her grandson which somebody sent her years back, but she's never met him either.


My brother in law has been married to his wife for 23 years now, and had 4 kids with her, and he's without doubt the best father I've ever seen. His 4 kids with his missus worship him! His lad he's never met will be about 27 now, and that kid missed out on having a really good dad.

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40 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

That's kind of what he's like though to be honest, and most of the others. He always fancied himself as a budding musician and heartbreaker, but to my knowledge he's never had a job and never left Speke.


Speke’s a bit like Royston Vasey. You’ll never leave. My ma moved to Runcorn when I was 4, I’ve got a cousin that moved to North Wales (Evertonian, obviously) and another cousin that married a fella in Fazakerley. 


Other than those three people, every other person I’ve ever known in Speke including all of my family is still there and will always be there. Most of them don’t even go on holiday, and barely ever go as far as town. 

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1 hour ago, Harry Squatter said:

A woman I work with has an absolute crank for a daughter. She has 4 kids all by different fathers. She is 34 and her last kids father is 18. 


In the past she's stolen her Mums credit card and spent all kinds, dumped two of her kids on her and fucked off to Ibiza without telling her because she was "stressed". Accused her stepdad of being a paedo and noncing up one of her kids which was proven to be a complete lie. She's had more fights than Evander Holyfield and crashed more cars than the Butcher family in Eastenders. 


Total and utter crank yet her Mum still panders to her every whim.

Bet she’s fucking filth in the sack though. 

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9 hours ago, Creator Supreme said:

One of my brother in laws has a kid he's never seen. Bird he was with got pregnant when they lived down south, he was made up, asked her to marry him. She told him no, and then told him he would never have a role in his child's life.


He tried to get in touch when the kid was young, but he could find no trace of her or the kid. My ma in law has one picture of her grandson which somebody sent her years back, but she's never met him either.


My brother in law has been married to his wife for 23 years now, and had 4 kids with her, and he's without doubt the best father I've ever seen. His 4 kids with his missus worship him! His lad he's never met will be about 27 now, and that kid missed out on having a really good dad.

I've gone through the same thing. Hoping in a few more years he'll be on social media at which point I can speak to him.

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10 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah it kind of goes against nature I think to not bother with your kid, I think there must be something up with the wiring.


That's kind of what he's like though to be honest, and most of the others. He always fancied himself as a budding musician and heartbreaker, but to my knowledge he's never had a job and never left Speke.


In my experience it's often the people with the least that are the most snobbish about possessions. Mrs is a teacher and sees it all the time. There was a kid in her class who wasn't allowed to wear his coat in the playground in case it got dirty as it was so expensive, but would frequently come to school hungry.


That's the kind of stock from whence the old man comes. I've got about seven half brothers and sisters by all accounts. 



Old mate of mine, now estranged for reasons I'll never fathom, knocked a bar maid up in a ten minute fumble in a pub cellar when he was 18, as was she.


He'd just started university and asked her to get a termination, which her and her family refused, so he took the position that he would have nothing to do with her.


He paid maintenance every month, a decent amount he wasn't a complete arse, but still refused to ever see his kid and to my knowledge has only ever seen a photo of her, his parents never met her.


I just can't get my head around being that clinical about things and on the rare occasion it was brought up he was quite open but stuck to the same lines,' it would have ruined my life and we shouldn't have gone through with it, but I supported them'. 


Always difficult to reconcile his position to the one I grew up with and not think he was a cunt, but nowt so queer as folk and all that...

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31 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Old mate of mine, now estranged for reasons I'll never fathom, knocked a bar maid up in a ten minute fumble in a pub cellar when he was 18, as was she.


He'd just started university and asked her to get a termination, which her and her family refused, so he took the position that he would have nothing to do with her.


He paid maintenance every month, a decent amount he wasn't a complete arse, but still refused to ever see his kid and to my knowledge has only ever seen a photo of her, his parents never met her.


I just can't get my head around being that clinical about things and on the rare occasion it was brought up he was quite open but stuck to the same lines,' it would have ruined my life and we shouldn't have gone through with it, but I supported them'. 


Always difficult to reconcile his position to the one I grew up with and not think he was a cunt, but nowt so queer as folk and all that...

I'll never be able to understand how a fella can do that.


I, like many others had a couple of near misses before I settled down and as terrifying as they were there's absolutely no way I would even consider asking her to terminate a pregnancy or leave her to it.


It's just the way I'm programmed, the child would be mine and I would do everything in my power to be there and make the best of things even at that age.







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1 hour ago, Harry's Lad said:

I'll never be able to understand how a fella can do that.


I, like many others had a couple of near misses before I settled down and as terrifying as they were there's absolutely no way I would even consider asking her to terminate a pregnancy or leave her to it.


It's just the way I'm programmed, the child would be mine and I would do everything in my power to be there and make the best of things even at that age.







Is correct. I come from a family where my parents were married for over 50 years before my Dad died and my missus parents were also married for 40 years before her Dad died. We have been married for 36 years come Tuesday too. I think your own environment often plays a big part in how you bring up your own family,not always but a lot of the time.

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13 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Is correct. I come from a family where my parents were married for over 50 years before my Dad died and my missus parents were also married for 40 years before her Dad died. We have been married for 36 years come Tuesday too. I think your own environment often plays a big part in how you bring up your own family,not always but a lot of the time.

Spot on. Although staying together may not have been the best choice some of the time. I remember reading somewhere a kid asking their mum how they’d stayed married for 50 years and the mum replying ‘we never wanted to get divorced at the same time’. 

On a slightly different point my old man always used to do his fair share of cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing so I’ve always done it too.  I’ve got mates who do fuck all around the house and spend hours getting bollocked for being lazy.  Just pick the fucking hoover up! 

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1 minute ago, Rico1304 said:

Spot on. Although staying together may not have been the best choice some of the time. I remember reading somewhere a kid asking their mum how they’d stayed married for 50 years and the mum replying ‘we never wanted to get divorced at the same time’. 

On a slightly different point my old man always used to do his fair share of cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing so I’ve always done it too.  I’ve got mates who do fuck all around the house and spend hours getting bollocked for being lazy.  Just pick the fucking hoover up! 

I do a bit myself but you would think I just lazed around if you listen to my missus!

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24 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Is correct. I come from a family where my parents were married for over 50 years before my Dad died and my missus parents were also married for 40 years before her Dad died. We have been married for 36 years come Tuesday too. I think your own environment often plays a big part in how you bring up your own family,not always but a lot of the time.

Definitely, you can always tell I find when someone is from a loving family.


Sometimes it works the other way around though and people can be determined to be good parents because theirs were shite.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Definitely, you can always tell I find when someone is from a loving family.


Sometimes it works the other way around though and people can be determined to be good parents because theirs were shite.

Agree with this.


My Grandparents got married after they discovered she was pregnant with my Dad. He was born in 2 months early in October 1939 but I don't think she ever wanted my Dad so he was raised by her Dad and his second wife as their own.


My Nan and Grandad went on to have 3 other kids and my Dad was always on the outside looking in until he left school and was earning when he was wanted back.


Although my Dad wanted to know his family, he never went back. He considered my Great Grandad and his wife as his parents and that caused massive bother within the family, all instigated by my Nan and this was always bubbling under the surface with her.


My Grandad was a kind but very weak man who allowed her to rule the roost. She really was a horrible, domineering woman, the polar opposite to My Dad who adored my Mum and us and who to me was the greatest man who ever lived.

The yardstick I have always tried to set myself by.


My Mum is one of 6. Her Dad died when she was very young, but her Mum was a vile, selfish, nasty piece of work who put them all in an orphanage for a few years when she remarried and had another baby who got everything.


They eventually all went back home, but it wasn't a pleasant place to be by all accounts so they all left home as soon as they could.


I think my Dad saved my Mum, they were proper soulmates. When they got married and went home after their wedding, all their wedding presents had gone. My Nan had pawned them all, that's how bad she was.


My Mum was damaged by her upbringing in my opinion.

She has never really had any close friends, finds it hard to trust people and takes exception to the slightest thing.

She digs holes for herself but carries on digging even when she knows should stop.


She just can't help herself and has got much worse since my Dad died 10 years ago and at almost 80, she sadly isn't going to change.


Don't get me wrong, she is capable of doing amazingly generous things.

I love her but she very often let's herself down and often falls out with me or my Sisters over the most silly and innocuous things.

She is high maintenance and very highly strung.


So, two people, both neglected by their birth parents.

My Dad raised by people who loved him and it showed, and my Mum who wasn't and through no fault of her own has struggled all her life. 


There's a lesson in there if ever I saw one.







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21 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Saw me dad at a funeral yesterday for the second time since I was two, the last time being when I was 17 at another funeral.


All he said to me was 'what car are you driving?'. Bizarre.


He was driving his Mrs's big PIP mobile. 


I'd taken my mum and it was the first time I've ever seen them in the same place. He was gummy and bald despite only being about 64 and dressed like a kid, bomber jacket and MC Hammer pants.


My mum was acting like a kid like she was having a day out. I had to shush her as she was saying stuff about people in the service like 'hasn't she put weight on?'.


It's like they were my kids, simple kids at that. Genes eh. What's it all about.



This funeral was for my uncle's only daughter and grandson who both died at the same time, not sure why. I'd never met them and only met him a couple of times, but still went to pay my respects. 


His sister (my aunty) wasn't there, and just today she's posted pics of herself arriving in Ibiza. She's 61. 


Amazingly, this is the less dysfunctional side of my family.

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I utterly hate Christmas but tend to look forward to and enjoy Easter. However seems the next one is fucked.


Her Indoor's sister has invited everyone to Easter Sunday lunch. Everyone includes Bint & Wanker. I am expected to attend. Last time I saw that scumbag I only didn't twat him as it was HI's mums birthday bash.


This is not going to end well.

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4 minutes ago, tokyojoe said:

I utterly hate Christmas but tend to look forward to and enjoy Easter. However seems the next one is fucked.


Her Indoor's sister has invited everyone to Easter Sunday lunch. Everyone includes Bint & Wanker. I am expected to attend. Last time I saw that scumbag I only didn't twat him as it was HI's mums birthday bash.


This is not going to end well.

I can post you a positive covid test.  

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I’m currently in dispute with the wife. I’m 60% responsible for the turmoil but it might as well be 100%. No matter who’s really to blame, I’m always to blame. 

Sometimes I wish I’d stayed single.


Then I remember that, if I had, I’d be dead. 

I’d probably be to blame for that as well. 

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4 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

I’m currently in dispute with the wife. I’m 60% responsible for the turmoil but it might as well be 100%. No matter who’s really to blame, I’m always to blame. 

Sometimes I wish I’d stayed single.


Then I remember that, if I had, I’d be dead. 

I’d probably be to blame for that as well. 

Such is married life mate!

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