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2 hours ago, Elite said:

Both Rise of the Ronin and Dragons Dogma don't look worth buying. Disappointing.

Dragon's Dogma has a high aggregate score on Metacritic. I think the reviews are more than favourable for that. Not seen a lot of Robin as yet 

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6 hours ago, skend04 said:

Dragon's Dogma has a high aggregate score on Metacritic. I think the reviews are more than favourable for that. Not seen a lot of Robin as yet 

Yeah I'm edging towards it now given the reviews, seen a few performance concerns but overall looks good.


Really disappointed with RotR, was hoping for an open world Nioh.

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Tempted by DD2, but it sounds like it's still a pain in the arse to fast travel, and you can get attacked by mobs whilst doing so. Fuck that. 


It's getting high review scores, but most of the praise I've seen thus far has been from fans of the original. Not much perspective from those who didn't click with it.

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I got Dragon's Dogma 2 earlier and played it for a bit then turned it off to see all of the bad reviews. Some of the main complaints are wrong though. The main two for me are that you have to pay to edit your character appearance and that there's no way you can start a new game. It's a mess around but to start a new game you have to delete your save file from console/pc then turn off cloud saves in the character appearance or something or else the cloud will just recreate your same char again. You don't have to pay to change your char appearance either, there's in game items that you can find to do that and I think you can also change the appearance of the pawn you create too which was my main concern.


This should all be clearer once more people realise though I think. I still think it's a fuck around with the new saves though, you shouldn't have to be deleting folders inside steam or doing the same with saves on your console and it should just be an in game option like most other rpg's. I can't get my head around that and it was a red flag for me when reading an article on it before release.


My main issues are that and also that the game seems a bit janky/old and the colours seem too gloomy like the original. A reshade would work really well I think but for console that's not going to be an option.


I'm going back to it soon though as it's one of those games that with patience should be fine or even great like the original was.


Character creation seems like a good one as well and it's funny how this is supposed to be Aerith, all I see is Gillian Anderson, surprised there's only one person even mentioning it in the comments. I think I'm using it for my main char or pawn once I can edit.



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I've taken the plunge and got DD2, only because I had £83 in my PSN account. From what I've read the game is good and you can do everything without paying extra for the MT stuff.


I need a new game, so fuck it. I'll be the guinea pig for you lot, along with Red Phoenix.

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Glad you're both enjoying it.


I'll be interested to hear if there's much backtracking, fighting the same mobs too much, or if night time is excessively dark (made playing in a light room impossible).


Could definitely do with a good open world game right now.

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

I'll be interested to hear if there's much backtracking, fighting the same mobs too much, or if night time is excessively dark (made playing in a light room impossible).


Could definitely do with a good open world game right now.


It's dark at night but you have a lamp that helps you. I've not tried moving around at night yet though and remember from the last game that the creatures are tougher so I've avoided it so far.


I've still got several issues with the game but one thing I really like is the sense of working as a team with your pawns when fighting. For some reason I decided to play as an archer when I've usually chosen a mage in the past so the pawns are essential to me in battles and when getting through the more difficult ones there's definitely a sense of achievement. The world looks big too so it's good for exploring. I've not done much of the main story yet though so I don't know much about that either.

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23 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


It's dark at night but you have a lamp that helps you. I've not tried moving around at night yet though and remember from the last game that the creatures are tougher so I've avoided it so far.


I seem to recall the lamp extinguishes after a while, and isn't a reusable item. Is this still the case? 


I never seem to get on with games that have lots of consumables and item durability. I like finding stuff and keeping it.

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Just now, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I seem to recall the lamp extinguishes after a while, and isn't a reusable item. Is this still the case? 


I never seem to get on with games that have lots of consumables and item durability. I like finding stuff and keeping it.

I think I read you can convert off food into oil or something like that, so you will end up with loads of oil, so it won't be an issue.

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I seem to recall the lamp extinguishes after a while, and isn't a reusable item. Is this still the case? 


I never seem to get on with games that have lots of consumables and item durability. I like finding stuff and keeping it.


My memory of the first game is quite bad to be honest as it's been ages since I played it. I didn't finish it either but remember having fun for a good while, would've gone back to it but waited for this game instead. I'm doing a quest at the moment where I have to travel a bit so making sure I'm in daylight because my char and pawns aren't that strong. I'll probably try fighting at night if I get that done though then see how the lamp works. Hopefuly Elite is right too where you can convert stuff for oil for it, should easier to keep it working if so.

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11 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I seem to recall the lamp extinguishes after a while, and isn't a reusable item. Is this still the case? 


I never seem to get on with games that have lots of consumables and item durability. I like finding stuff and keeping it.


Yeah the lamp lasts ages before you need to add more oil and you can combine items you find to make more. I also had 4 refill items already so finding oil for it doesn't seem to be a problem.


I went out randomly exploring for a bit a short while ago and my mage died I think, didn't realise until another pawn said we need a mage. There was a rift stone nearby though so I hired another and it was the guy in the pic below. He was fine fighting/healing, etc, but when we got back to the town I've been staying in he just crashed out on the ground as soon as we stopped. One of the other pawns said something like "I'll remind you not to shirk your duty, lest you forget it's the arisen you serve here." And he just responded in a yorkshire accent with "I'm well aware o' that, thank you" and stayed on the ground. One of the funniest things I've seen yet, some of the pawns really do have character to them and it seems like they worked on them a lot to make them so good.


After around 10 hours it mostly feels like the original game but with a bigger world, better characters and better graphics. Seeing as the first was so good I'm definitely fine with that.



Dragon's Dogma 2 Screenshot 2024.03.23 -

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14 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:


Yeah the lamp lasts ages before you need to add more oil and you can combine items you find to make more. I also had 4 refill items already so finding oil for it doesn't seem to be a problem.


I went out randomly exploring for a bit a short while ago and my mage died I think, didn't realise until another pawn said we need a mage. There was a rift stone nearby though so I hired another and it was the guy in the pic below. He was fine fighting/healing, etc, but when we got back to the town I've been staying in he just crashed out on the ground as soon as we stopped. One of the other pawns said something like "I'll remind you not to shirk your duty, lest you forget it's the arisen you serve here." And he just responded in a yorkshire accent with "I'm well aware o' that, thank you" and stayed on the ground. One of the funniest things I've seen yet, some of the pawns really do have character to them and it seems like they worked on them a lot to make them so good.


After around 10 hours it mostly feels like the original game but with a bigger world, better characters and better graphics. Seeing as the first was so good I'm definitely fine with that.



Dragon's Dogma 2 Screenshot 2024.03.23 -

Not had loads of time go on it due to working this weekend but the pawns are ace as you say, they don't feel just like bots that follow you, they have their own personalities. Really enjoyed what I've played of this so far.

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10 hours ago, Elite said:

Not had loads of time go on it due to working this weekend but the pawns are ace as you say, they don't feel just like bots that follow you, they have their own personalities. Really enjoyed what I've played of this so far.


I'm liking it the more I play too. It's also good that pawns go off adventuring with other arisen and return after you've rested at an inn with rift crystals, have got enough now to finally change either my own or pawn's appearance. It's interesting how you only have your main char and pawn levelling too, helps vary the way you fight when swapping the other ones around.


It might end up being the best new game I've played in a while as well. Baldur's Gate 3 and the latest Yakuza game are two that I really like (and I liked Starfield too but that feels like it needs modding work and patches) but this being a non turn-based game might have me preferring it over time.

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11 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:


I'm liking it the more I play too. It's also good that pawns go off adventuring with other arisen and return after you've rested at an inn with rift crystals, have got enough now to finally change either my own or pawn's appearance. It's interesting how you only have your main char and pawn levelling too, helps vary the way you fight when swapping the other ones around.


It might end up being the best new game I've played in a while as well. Baldur's Gate 3 and the latest Yakuza game are two that I really like (and I liked Starfield too but that feels like it needs modding work and patches) but this being a non turn-based game might have me preferring it over time.

The only thing I don't know how to do, is when the pawns find something how do I get them to show me, I've saw a YouTube video where your pawn will lead the way?

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3 hours ago, Elite said:

The only thing I don't know how to do, is when the pawns find something how do I get them to show me, I've saw a YouTube video where your pawn will lead the way?


The go command from the four options in the bottom left, had mine showing me a riftstone earlier after I chose it.

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6 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:


The go command from the four options in the bottom left, had mine showing me a riftstone earlier after I chose it.

It's doing it now, didn't early take though for some reason.


What vocation you going for? I'm doing Warrior at the moment but finding it a bit cumbersome, think I'll change to thief until I unlock some of the fancier ones.

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1 hour ago, Elite said:

It's doing it now, didn't early take though for some reason.


What vocation you going for? I'm doing Warrior at the moment but finding it a bit cumbersome, think I'll change to thief until I unlock some of the fancier ones.


I think I remember having issues with the go command earlier too, maybe they'll find it's a bit bugged at some point and patch it. I'd not even thought about vocations for my char either, was just focusing on trying to progress but had started thinking about my main pawn too seeing as other players might end up using her so it's better if she's stronger. For my char though I just looked and seeing as I'm wanting to stick with archer will go for the magick archer I think. Then if I want to change at some stage probably switch to mage/sorceror like I usually do in these games.


I'd maybe not mention something like this too but with the one save file thing and how unclear this part of the game is I'll leave a link. It can affect npc's for at least a while which is the main reason I'm posting it. If you or anyone else would rather try to deal with it in game though you can avoid checking : Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawn plague

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30 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

I'd maybe not mention something like this too but with the one save file thing and how unclear this part of the game is I'll leave a link. It can affect npc's for at least a while which is the main reason I'm posting it. If you or anyone else would rather try to deal with it in game though you can avoid checking : Dragon’s Dogma 2’s pawn plague


Sorry was editing how I explained it but ran out of time. It's not a spoiler for any type of main quest or anything, more something that I've seen some players getting confused/wound up with when it comes to the disease pawns sometimes talk about. I'm sure some would rather see how it turns out in game instead though so avoid the link if that's the case.

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I'm currently down the western side of the map on Dragon's Dogma 2 as I'm trying to get to something that I won't explain because of spoilers. I'm level 27, main pawn is same level and we have our vocations at max level (archer and fighter), the other pawns are 20 and 21. We're also for the first time in the game out of our depth in a place I want to be at and need to turn back, it's completely wild down there. Need to level more and get better equipment sorted. Also check skills and add some new ones probably.


To get down there I've had to fight some enemies and run from a lot of others, sometimes that fails though as the ones I tried to run from catch up again after chasing as I'm fighting some other bunch that I arrived at and it turns into too much chaos to handle. Definitely a tough area if not prepared. I'll favourite my other two pawns as well and get two more closer to my level, looks like it's needed.


Amazing game though and I'll be really surprised if I play any other new game this year that I like as much as this.

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