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13 hours ago, Lee909 said:

Can't wait for this when it's ported to console. Been far to long for a good boxing game. Don't like the UFC games since EA took over from THQ



Graphics look shite.

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6 hours ago, Elite said:

Graphics look shite.


Still in beta testing.

They aren't brilliant but looks fine, I'm more concerned about it playing well. 


Too many flash looking shitbgames these days

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If you like Exploration/Survival games, and you like games like Breath of the Wild and Pokemon then give Palworld a go.


In early access on Gamepass and getting good reviews, not my kind of game but plays surprisingly well for an early access game.








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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20/01/2024 at 18:57, TD_LFC said:

If you like Exploration/Survival games, and you like games like Breath of the Wild and Pokemon then give Palworld a go.


In early access on Gamepass and getting good reviews, not my kind of game but plays surprisingly well for an early access game.



Wanted a new game to test my new pc on and went for this. It's really good fun. Massive, mad, broken in the weirdest ways (one collectible intended to boost catch rates turned out to do the opposite in an apparent bug). Derivative of a load of different games, but feels quite unique overall. Collecting the different pals, fighting them, building and managing a base to gather resources so you can build gadgets and guns, and exploring a giant map in a quite hostile world. It's basically the game you'd design when you were 10.

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Despite saying it's not my kind of game I've gone back to it and played a fair bit, it's become my 'don't know what to play so I'll mooch around in this for a few hours' sandbox game. Really enjoying it without actually doing much or getting involved in the multiplayer.

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Rumours that X-Box are about to blow up Game Pass, as well as all it's recent studio acquisitions  by scrapping some of it's exclusivity and allowing Bethesda and others studios to publish games on playstation and other consoles,


Game Pass apparently costs Microsoft over a billion a year to keep content ticking over and coupled with poor console sales the viability is in question.

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It seems to be cyclical with Microsoft, like the old adage of one King spending then the next taxing. They commit to going big on gaming, knowing it's not profitable in the short term but it'll result in a greater market share for the long term. Then they get worried they're throwing good money after bad and kneecap their own plans. 


It's impressive they've lasted this long in the gaming industry considering how many good opportunities they've ruined, IPs shelved, studios gutted etc.

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Hope Xbox stay around in the console scene. I'm no fanboy and don't understand why anyone who isn't profiting is. I grew up with playstation but just prefer how the xbox controller feels.


Competition is needed otherwise Sony can just keep increasing prices where there's no one else to worry about. 

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Xbox have been trying to get out of the console game for ages, they never recovered from the whole Kinect/Always on line debacle and were never able to claw back that market share.


They want to be a service provider.

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  • 2 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, Elite said:

Dragons Dogma 2 and Rise of the Ronin both being released on the same day. Tough choice, I'll read all the reviews before I take the plunge on one or the other.


Did you play the original Dragon's Dogma? I barely lasted 10 minutes, found it really janky.

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8 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Did you play the original Dragon's Dogma? I barely lasted 10 minutes, found it really janky.

No never even considered playing it to be honest. New one looks great though but I'll wait until they have been out and see what the feedback is like.

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I never finished Dragon's Dogma. IIRC I found the day / night cycle annoying as night was just pitch black and full of annoying mobs. I like to be able to rest anywhere and move time forward to when you can see things. Combined with limited fast travel, it just ground me down.


Pity, as the rest of the game was solid. 

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