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Certain games it doesn't make a difference either, I think Bethesda in particular has a certain aesthetic to it's games, and it's engine is always just on the right side of janky that higher fidelity and 'smoother' game play might be like when they started switching to HD for live TV or when people stopped smoking in pubs.  

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Is this on consoles? 30 fps is fucking horrible to play with. 60 these days feels a bit sluggish in some games too.


On 14/06/2023 at 13:23, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Starfield looks great, but I can't believe we're still stuck at 30fps.


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30fps seems worse when you flick between the two. I'll always check the options and 100 percent of the time end up on performance mode because it just improves the entire feel of games. Bethesda games almost always play like they are a generation behind. I remember being blown away by oblivion on the 360 but I'm not sure if that was Bethesda, obsidian or whoever. Either way I'll be playing the shit out of Starfield after it's inevitably been pushed back a few times.

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It will be 60fps on juggernaut PCs. Games are becoming so ambitious that they can only really be disappointing unless they literally defy all expectations. 

This should be a PC exclusive but because of the investment/cost they have to recoup their money by releasing a lesser version for the PlayStation and Xbox. If it weren’t for the high spec pc market they wouldn’t develop such ambitious titles.

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1 hour ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

It will be 60fps on juggernaut PCs. Games are becoming so ambitious that they can only really be disappointing unless they literally defy all expectations. 

This should be a PC exclusive but because of the investment/cost they have to recoup their money by releasing a lesser version for the PlayStation and Xbox. If it weren’t for the high spec pc market they wouldn’t develop such ambitious titles.


Given Microsoft own the studio I doubt it will be released on PlayStation. They also don't have to recoup money. If anything, the Xbox consoles will be their biggest concern due to Microsoft pushing Game Pass.

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4 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Given Microsoft own the studio I doubt it will be released on PlayStation. They also don't have to recoup money. If anything, the Xbox consoles will be their biggest concern due to Microsoft pushing Game Pass.

Sony have been releasing games on PC recently. I wouldn't be surprised to see some doors opening, especially if Activision/Blizzard takeover happens.

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42 minutes ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

Sony have been releasing games on PC recently. I wouldn't be surprised to see some doors opening, especially if Activision/Blizzard takeover happens.


Sorry mate, I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Microsoft bought Zenimax so Starfield - amongst others - would be a console exclusive, same as Halo back in the day.

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4 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Sorry mate, I'm not sure what you're getting at.


Microsoft bought Zenimax so Starfield - amongst others - would be a console exclusive, same as Halo back in the day.

Starfield is definitely getting released on PC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuck off.


I realise I've been talking about getting a series S to play this which is digital only, but games should always come with a physical option.


Give me a physical copy WITH an online code, not an empty box with a code inside it.

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1 hour ago, TD_LFC said:

Fuck off.


I realise I've been talking about getting a series S to play this which is digital only, but games should always come with a physical option.


Give me a physical copy WITH an online code, not an empty box with a code inside it.


Killing the resale market with this kind of move. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 01/07/2023 at 20:22, Elite said:

No. Just saw stuff on YouTube about the sequel. Did you play the original?

I've played it, it's not really my type of game. It's like an inferior version of Devil May Cry. 

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On 25/06/2023 at 15:28, TD_LFC said:

Fuck off.


I realise I've been talking about getting a series S to play this which is digital only, but games should always come with a physical option.


Give me a physical copy WITH an online code, not an empty box with a code inside it.


And this is why digital only is shit.



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