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I think its a boss game but I get killed quite a lot but not nearly as much as my main pawn. 


I waited fucking ages to talk to a captain who never turned up where he was supposed to, turns out he was in the morgue the NPC got itself killed somewhere by accident and I had to pay 5 grand to bring him back to life just to move the game on.

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21 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I think its a boss game but I get killed quite a lot but not nearly as much as my main pawn. 


I waited fucking ages to talk to a captain who never turned up where he was supposed to, turns out he was in the morgue the NPC got itself killed somewhere by accident and I had to pay 5 grand to bring him back to life just to move the game on.


Microtransactions are ridiculous these days.

  • Haha 2
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I got past level 40 a bit ago and can travel around a good amount of Battahl exploring and grinding levels/vocations now without worrying about what I'm fighting so much. Golems there can still waste me though if I'm not careful once they start raging. Dragons are the only thing I still avoid wherever I see them but might try fighting one again soon. I switched my main pawn to warrior so trying to get enough for equipment and halfway there now.


Magick Archer was strange at first because I had to adjust from not having the physicality of the normal archer arrows and it sucked going back to having hardly any skills. After a while though and with enough skills unlocked it was amazing, probably the best part of the game so far for me once that started working.

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I wouldn't have been at level 40 just playing normally either, there was something I wanted though and it pushed me right into the bottom area of the map getting it. I didn't want to wait either so had to level more so I could survive down there.

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I'm still getting wasted by those golems. Tried to fight one at a ruins a bit ago and it mostly one shotted me a couple of times as it was harder to get out of the way. I've not gone into other vocations apart from archer either so there's augments that could probably help a bit too with defensive stats, should probably sort my armour out a bit more as well. I'll maybe go for some augments soon then go back to magick archer.

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The Dragon's Dogma twitter account linked this, said it was the Warfarer (that can use any weapon and skills from different vocations.) Looks like fun if done right, might try it after I've seen what the other vocations are like first.



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For the first time ever I properly got into a FF game. And it was FF7. Great opening act, possibly some of the most fun storytelling of the era, and the gameplay is enjoyable too, you can see why it's seen as such a classic. 


Just a shame that the old school saving process meant I lost about an hour's play. Long cut scene, two boss fights and then a random 3 on 1 battle (in a scene where cloud is solo) with two of the three enemies being able to put my one guy to sleep. I think I had two turns where I could actually do something and used one of those to heal.


If I was 14 I'd be well into going through all that again, but at my age I just can't bring myself to do it. 

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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

The elder scrolls teaser they released is now 6 years old. Mad that.


It only left pre-production and went into early production about a year ago. We're not seeing it until the 2028/2030 at the earliest.


Development of Starfield started just after Fallout 4 came out in 2015 and didn't release until 2023 (although granted it was a new IP and a step up from what they'd previously done technically)

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19 hours ago, Elite said:

Looking forward to Shadow of Erdtree now, hopefully it'll pack loads of new content.


For anyone looking to pick it up if you haven't beaten Mohg and Radahn you won't be able to access the DLC.


Saw some stats in an article the other day that said the percentage of players who have beaten Mohg is 

  • 38.6 percent of Steam players
  • 34.6 percent of PlayStation players
  • 22.98 percent of Xbox players
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29 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


For anyone looking to pick it up if you haven't beaten Mohg and Radahn you won't be able to access the DLC.


Saw some stats in an article the other day that said the percentage of players who have beaten Mohg is 

  • 38.6 percent of Steam players
  • 34.6 percent of PlayStation players
  • 22.98 percent of Xbox players



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2 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Pfft, completing it's easy.


Getting all the achievements though, now that's the real quiz.

I wish I'd have got platinum now but think it'd mean restarting to unlock the different endings, fuck that.


Bloodborne platinum was my peak, some of those bosses were proper button bashing and hoping for the best.

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40 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I've beat Radhan think I swerved Mohg because I didn't need to do it. Not sure I can be arsed with it again though even though I hammered it when it came out.

I've just had a quick refresher on it in preparation, gonna take a day or two to get used to all the buttons and build that muscle memory.



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